The bogbody boogyman: file #042

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The night was hot, air thick and soupy, The subtle change in the temperature from day to night wasn't enough for a man to notice. A soft breeze was welcoming, but not nearly sufficient. The rifle in his hand was slippery from the sweat, he wiped his hands one at a time, holding firmly on his rifle with the other, something which he done so much the whole front of his pants where now wet and muddy, his new denims no longer pristine, every re-entry resulted in only biological to transfer, so when he "Slid through" he had to "retack" He moved slowly, ears fine tuned to the various sounds of the night, crickets, small rodents and the high corn stalks rubbing against one another.  He moved with purpose, every footfall where it should be, a soft and delicate crunch of dirt. His leather vest and new Denim pants making a soft sigh as the cornstalks brushed against him. The moonlight was bright, but scattered, Luna, passing in and out from behind the clouds, like a child behind mommas dress, the dark rain clouds turning twilight to complete blackness, he pushed his brand new Stetson back to better see above the rolls, his target was said to be massive.  He sensed a clearing coming up, the change in sounds told him so, the rustling of the stalks sounded different, fine tuned. He stood scanning the field from behind a roll, just out of sight. He seen nothing but a field and a small barn in the distance, it was in there, he knew it, he stood staring at the barn and the corn beyond it. He slipped out of the stalks as silent as a ghost and as fearsome as satan himself. rifle up, eyes leading down the sights, a full clip and one ready to kill. Fine tuned. He seen movement between the boards, something moving like a shadow, the black was blacker, his instincts took over immediately, and he hunkered down low, not unlike that of a jaguar, he could just a few feet in front of him, a body, turn in two and half eaten, the corpse had on old cover alls and still smelled like shit, he slithered passed it as if he was a serpent slowly but with purpose, until he was a foot from the old shabby boards of the barn, he seen nothing now and heard less, it knew he was there. As he stood looking in threw the cracks, he was almost positive it could smell him. The "bogland monster" they called it in these parts, the mucky ground and the things smell, a smell of rotten eggs are what has given it its name, the creature has been seen eating corpses of murder victims left in these Irish bogs, digging up long dead corpses and hanging them from trees and slaughtering campers and hikers, and now farmers, the monster has caused a panic and now he must go. The creatures alleged appearance is that of a large human/pig spider, but the eyewitness accounts are rarely reliable, the human memory is very fickle, and those left alive to tell are usually decades apart.
He slid around the corner and positioned himself beside the door, his breath so shallow, anybody standing next to him, would think him dead, He stood there, waiting for a sound, anything to give away its location. Waiting and waiting, his eyes closed, body still and the only sound he made was his heartbeat.
His meditative state opened up his surroundings, every minuscule sound was amplified and pinpointed, a mouse running across the roof, roaches inside, he could hear them and he knew where they where. A chitter ! His eyes opened, with a start, a sound unlike anything he ever heard before, came from within the barn, and he knew it was it. His eyes opened and he turned to confront it.

As he raised his leg to bust open the door it exploded outward! Shrapnel tore into him, and the bulk of the door smashed into him as he went airborne, he began to lose consciousness immediately.
The impact with the ground woke him up, and he began to roll rifle still in hand. The creature landed where the monster hunter lay a split second before. The roar of this beast was said to of been heard 12 miles away, that night, and family dogs went berserk. The beast looked like a massive praying mantis, and a human somehow procreated and birthed this monstrosity. White flesh stretched across long bones, jointed bulbously, it's feet was spiked it had a face not an even a mother could love. A mixture between a dog and hornet, a mouth lipless and full of jagged teeth, eager to shred the hunter to ribbons. The hunter only got a split second look before the monster screeched, the hellish sound resemble the sound of bending metal, and this time it seemed as though it was directing its scream at the hunter, like honing it in to stun him monster was a sound a ship makes when it rubs the dock, or runs aground. The hunter covered his ears and fled, ducking behind a haystack he peered out and looked longingly at his rifle currently being trampled by the creatures 3 toed hind legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21 ⏰

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