Niall Horan

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Niall Horan Imagine

After school, instead of going home, Jess walks straight to the park near her house, as always. The park is nearly empty which is perfect for Jess because she wants to be in a peaceful place like her own world. She can hear the birds chirping from the trees, water running down from the waterfall, and the wind is coming from different directions, making her put her hands in her hoodie’s front pocket.

She lets out a little scream when she feels a hand on her shoulder, followed by a cute voice saying ‘hi’. Jess turns around to see a blond guy with crystal blue eyes. When Jess shakes a little due to the coldness, the guy immediately takes off his jacket and gently puts it on the girl next to him. Jess asks what his name is and he tells her, ‘it’s Niall.” She looks at his face again just to see that Niall is looking straight into her eyes. He looks so pure and innocent. Jess feels a flip in her stomach but she can’t comprehend what it’s for.

They talk for about 15 minutes on the bench near the stream, getting to know each other, before the sky is starting to turn from gray to black. Jess finds out that Niall is a year older than her and lives right down her street. She feels another flip in her stomach when he tells her that he’s been watching her since the day he moved here, which was the first day of school. When Jess is about to return Niall’s jacket to leave for home, the cute boy stops and tells her to keep it. Jess smiles and when Niall pokes the dimple on her cheek, she blushes, which Niall finds so adorable. That night, Jess falls asleep, smiling and hugging the jacket.

The next day, she’s really excited after school because she and Niall pinky-promised to meet each other again at the park. When she sees Niall sitting on the same bench where they talked yesterday, she runs straight toward him. Niall literally jumps out of the bench and does the same thing with Jess but in the opposite direction. They crash into each other in a warm hug, Jess dipping her head in Niall’s shoulder and Niall smelling the shampoo from her hair. When they separate their bodies, Niall quickly gets a hold of Jess’s hand and their fingers intertwine. They then start walking along the stream.

Niall smiles widely and places a kiss on her cheek when he sees Jess wearing his jacket from yesterday, also telling her she’s so pretty. Jess blushes and Niall asks her if she misses him. When she replies ‘yes’, her face turning more red, and asks back the same question, Niall answers, “much more than you do.” Jess looks up at him and their eyes are somehow locked at that moment. Before Jess can think, Niall’s lips crash into hers. At first, Jess is so surprised and her eyes are wide open. But after she closes them, Niall deepens the kiss and puts his both hands on each side of her waist gently. Their lips are moving in sync. Jess wraps her hands around Niall’s neck, deepening the kiss even more. Their bodies are so close now that it seems like they are attached.

After a while, Niall pulls away and breaks the kiss, instead he holds her small hand tightly and starts running toward the parking lot. Jess is so confused but keeps following behind him. Jess hears a sound, that she thinks is coming from the silver car in front of them, and the next thing she knows, she’s in the passenger seat of the car. Niall quickly jumps in the driver seat and starts driving. Suddenly, something in her head clicks and she realizes that she’s been kidnapped by Niall. She almost opens her mouth to protest but Niall interrupts by turning on the music to the maximum volume and placing his hand on Jess’s thigh. Jess feels butterflies flying around in her stomach when Niall whispers ‘I love you’ in her ear, forgetting what she was about to say a few seconds ago. After seeing Niall’s contagious smile, she smiles too, finally realizing that the butterflies in her stomach are giving her Stockholm syndrome

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 Hope you liked it! <3

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