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Louis pov

        I was siting in the living room with Liam watching the Batman marathon with him because it was my turn, when I got a text from El.  Hey babe :) do u want 2 go 2 lunch with me?I read the text a few times and then looked at Liam trying to decide.

        "Hey Liam, is it okay if I see if El can join us so I can spend time with her and still watch the movie with you?"Liam seemed to think it over for a while.  "Yeah sure Lou, more the merrier." Liam smilled.

        "Thanks mate." I resonded. can't watching batman w/ liam y don't u join us? :*      She responded soon with Yeah sure haven't seen it in awhile love you.

Liam pov

        I was having a great day with Louis watching Batman and I know that the others take turns when it comes to watching Batman with me. I appreciate it alot. I also know that it has been a while since Louis has seen Eleanor and misses her alot. So of course I told him to invite her over. Plus I want to invite Sophia. heyy babe wanna watch a movie w/ me and lou and el?

I got a resonse almost immediatly Yeah sure be there soon. I love this girl so muchit isn't even funny.

Eleanor pov

        On the way to Louis and Liam's flat I stopped to get some coffee for all of us when I saw Sophia.

        "Hey Sophia, are you going over to see Liam?" I questioned.

        "Hello. Yeah I am. So I am good to guess that you are going to see Louis." said Sophia.

        "Ha. Yeah I am I was going to buy coffee and donuts for the boys." I laughed.

        "Good idea. I'll join you if you don't mind." she said.

        "Not at all." I said. We walked to the boys in silence after that. Right before I knocked the door swung open with Louis on the other side.

        "Hey Girls. How are you both?" Louis asked with this adorable smile that I loved.

        "Good Lou" "Just fine" Sophia and I responded.

        " Well lets get back to the movie before Liam gets any more impatient." He laughed

                                                                             The End

Hey guys sorry its so short I just wanted to get some thing posted. I would appreciate it if you gave me ideas of what to write. Please send requests.   Miss Tommo

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