She usually figures it out from your performance, considering the fact that you never smile when you are down. She tries to cheer you up by giving you gifts and affection. If that doesn't work, then she will always be there to talk to.
He sees it from your body language and usually asks you about it first. If you tell him, he is prepared to solve the problem right away. If you don't then he will try to cheer you up with jokes or ideas for new pranks.
He notices something is up when you don't smile as much as usual. He will keep asking throughout the day if you are alright. By the end of the day, he usually manages to snake it out of you. He will comfort you before trying to deal with the problem.
He is the first to know that something is wrong and will make sure to stay near you at all times. After your shifts, he would take you to his room so that the two of you can talk about whatever is going through your mind.
She notices that you seem off and tries to talk to you whenever she can during the day, though its kind of hard when you two have completely different jobs. Afterwards, she would stick to you like glue until you tell her what's wrong.
He sees that something is going on in your mind and will try and help out in anyway possible. He is completely ready to cheer you up, whether its with jokes or just random gossip from the day.
Hopus Pocus:
He is pretty naïve when it comes to these things however if you are REALLY down, he will try and cheer you up with some new magic tricks or simply telling you jokes. He is extremely good at making you laugh.
King Dice:
He notices instantly as soon as you get on that stage to perform. As soon as work is done, he will take you into his room and talk to you about it. After that, he would give you affection in a way of comfort.
He doesn't really care. Unless someone hurt you. Then all Hell breaks loose.
(Kinda rude ngl)
Inkwell Casino Scenarios
Любовные романыI haven't seen anyone make a character x reader scenario thing with most of the Casino workers in Cuphead so I hope you enjoy it. I might not include Phear Lap or Mister Chimes mainly because I don't know how to work with them. Art work included in...