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"Fen, can you please hand me the cream..."

Fenry got up on shaky legs and went around the tiny apartment to find the rolled up tube of salve. He gently passed it over to Toronto who left after to the bathroom, probably to apply the cream.

I didn't want to move or even think about moving. We've had rough clients before, but last night probably took the cake for all of us. Fenry's dad forced us to serve a party last night that a group of veterans showed up to. At least some of them were pleasing to the eye...

Everyone seemed really down and exhausted today, but it made perfect sense. We were all broken and just... the pain. It was a lot to handle.

Fenry had been really quiet ever since that night his dad took him to meet a few people, I was really worried about him. Fen was like the chaotic child of our group, he was always doing something, all over the place. He was a lot more bubbly, energetic than we were. It was as if the life was just sucked out of him. I didn't like the way he'd been behaving lately.

Something needed to change...

Just as I was getting ready to fall asleep, the sound of the busted lock clicking brought us all to life, making us immediately up and try to pretend we were doing something with ourselves.

Fenry's dad walked in with an angry look on his face, brandishing his gun on his hip.
"Get your lazy whore asses up! Clean up this shithole and get the hell out, I dont wanna see any of you bitches here until you bring me a couple racks."

His voice carried through the room, visibly making Fen flinch as the rest of us looked at him wide-eyed. How the fuck were we supposed to come up with that kinda money and survive? It's cold, he's a fucking psycho.

"Hurry up!" His voice thundered before he slammed the door shut and we all got up to start getting ready.

It was a few beats of silence before Caylen hissed, a feral sound, and and threw a glass at the wall making it explode. Fenry shrieked and grabbed his chest, his lip trembling as we all watched Caylen storm out of the front door with his crap under his arm.

Toronto whistled and Dubai just shook his head, the two of them grabbing their stuff before they left out together, leaving me and Fenry behind.

I was in the middle of pulling on some sweats when the muffled sound of sobbing made me pause. I turned my head towards Fenry who had his knees pulled to his chest, his head on top of them and his hands pulling at his hair. His shoulders shook and his body tense as the little whimpers and choked sobs escaped him.

I quickly pulled my pants on and my sweater before I shuffled over to him, gently lowering myself to my knees and putting my hand on his back. He fell over against me and started sobbing louder, his tears already dampening my clothes.

"Fen, what's wrong?" I asked softly as I brushed his hair away from his face, rubbing his shoulder.

He took in a few stuttering breaths before he finally spoke, "we're l-losing the place..."

I felt my stomach drop as he said it, my heart quickening in my chest, tears blurring my vision. I tried to swallow down the lump in my throat and steady my voice as I asked him, "why?"

He took in some deep breaths before he got back up, rubbing at his face and sniffing. "Two of the girls got arrested last night and the places are getting raided... we have to leave cause my dad can't pay off his debt fast enough, they're gonna come for us."

He shook his head and I sighed, rubbing at my eyes in frustration. "We have to find them a-and stick together."

He wiped his face and nodded, taking one more shaky breath before grabbing his stuff and getting dressed. I grabbed everything I could carry and still be able to run if I had to, Fen and I grabbing some snacks and a few waters.

We quickly left the building and tried to track down Dubai and Toronto first, maybe they'd know where Caylen went. We only hoped that we were running in the right direction, they knew this town far better than either of us ever would.

There were a lot of police out trolling so we had to be careful. I hoped no one would get into trouble with them, none of us could afford going to jail.


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