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I placed my feet on the wooden planks, slipping off my bed. Just waking up from a nap, I rubbed my eyes groggily still feeling the effects of sleep. Once my eyes were clear in sight, I made my way slowly to the window, admiring the white that covered the ground in a thick blanket, over every tree and hill in the distance. It seemed to snow extra through my rest.

The lovely scene of it all, how smooth its placed on the grass, how soft it seems, you just get the mere urge to fall into his cold grasp and let it soak you. Beyond the white though, I noticed the sun was starting to fall under the mountains.

Finally backing away from the frosty view, I pulled my sweater and scarf from the rocking chair sat beside my bed and wrapped them around me, stepping out of the small room into my living room. Thankfully I chopped up some extra wood the other day so I don't have to go out and get some more for tonight, I placed the logs into my brick fire place, starting up the fire and standing in front of it till the warmth flowed throughout the entire house.

I thought about dinner, what I should I whip up for tonight? The thought pondered in my mind as I opened cupboards and scanned my fridge until I got to my freezer and noticed some beef that I had forgotten about. It went bad, the smell immediately hitting my nose when I opened the drawer. My lips pulled back into a frown making a nasty scowl, quickly slipping on outside shoes and picking up the sack, I went out the back door to dispose of the rancid meat.

My hand pulled off the top of the metal trash bin, almost flinching from how cold the metal had gotten, I released the bag into it and it hit the bottom with a sound thud. The familiarity of it all made me stare down into it, my eyes grew heavy with sadness.

I did it for him, I was good, wasn't I? All I ever wanted, was to be good. Keep him happy, keep him safe, keep his belly full.

A spiked wind flew up through my coat, almost taking my scarf with it. I yelped and slammed the lid back on the bin and hurried inside, slamming the door and kicking off my boots before getting toward the fire again. Sighing in contentment with its warmth, I went back to my task of making dinner and tied up my long hair, deciding on a potato soup.

After peeling the vegetables and putting in the broth and small bacon bits with cheese, I set my bowl on the dining table, and took a spoonful bite. The flavor was excellent, and was just a perfect meal for days like this, I hummed with satisfaction and took my time through the soup.

The house was typically very quiet, except for the sound of the wind pushing against the windows but most times it would be soothing to listen to. I had a dainty cabin, a bit far off from towns but that's the way I liked it. I enjoyed my space, my peace, not having to rely on anyone or have anyone rely on me. This was my new home, and sure, I left a lot of me and my memories at the old house but it was well worth the move. I took what I could, like my pictures of me and my mother, which was enough in the frenzy I ran with. And also her blanket, which laid on the chocolate brown sofa near my fireplace.

By the time I finished, the sun completely disappeared, I placed the dishes in the sink, feeling lazy and not deciding to wash them right now. I went ahead and placed the rest of the wood into the fire and curled up on my couch, snuggling in my mothers blanket. My hand reached up toward my head and pulled the hair tie off, letting my hair fall down the sides of my face, it was rather long but I didn't want to deal with it at the moment so I swept it to the side I wasn't laying on.

The comfort I felt in that moment was holding me gently, and guided me to sleep once more. My dreams taking me. However they were nowhere good.

Trees surrounded me, I stepped around nervously, yet collided with a hunk of wood behind me. My head was buzzing with static, pulsing through my temples. I looked around, growing near frantic, everywhere I stepped there was trees, it was suffocating. Crunching of footsteps over leaves boomed in my ears, my mouth opened wanting to yell but I simply said,


The echoing laughter was what made me turn and start sprinting, running through the trees, almost crashing into each one that reappeared. The laughter chased after me, sounds of talking over lapping with it, the buzzing in my brain grew with it, growing unbearable. I wanted this nightmare to end, this forever chase to cease.

A call of my name made me jerk my head for a split second to turn around to the person behind me, which resulted in me slamming right into a tree.

I woke with a cold sweat, snapping upright, panicked and full of tears. "Oh my god-" Sputtering, I desperately tried to wipe my face clean from the wetness. But it wouldn't stop. "Please-" I choked, pushing the soft blanket into my face. Which at any other time would've been a warm welcome, but it was cold and soaked. I flinched away from the fabric, noticing my entire body was almost completely drenched in sweat, I turned to the fireplace and dread filled me.

The wood was almost all burned up, and a thick pile of snow was layered on it. I stood up from the couch and looked around, all the windows that lined my living room were blasted in from what seemed to be a growing snow storm. I ran to try and shut the panels, but the fierce wind fought against me and pushed me back. The cold and wet stabbed through into my skin, chattering my bones. I gritted my teeth trying to make my way through my own house that was being over taken by the snow, pain breaking me every second.

I fought so desperately, this was my home, this was my life now, and I will not let the cold over take that. But it was unbearable, with each two windows I closed, another would blast back open. I panted in exhaustion, sweat hardening at my forehead along with my clothes to my body. It hurt so bad, the pain wasn't like any other, it burned like a fire. Seared me like a branding iron. I couldn't die like this, I just couldn't, it would be a cruel, cruel, fate. Why did I always seem to have the worst karma? I limped my way through to my room, which had no sanctuary as snow caved in there too. I almost made it to my bed yet the tripped on myself, my numbing foot making no effort to get me to where I wanted to go. My body had no more fight left to give.

The impact shattered my already freezing hand that tried to stop my fall and I screamed, the fragments of my own hardened flesh on the planks of my floor.

I don't know when I stopped screaming after that.

What I do remember, is opening my eyes again to a red sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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