Rise of the snakes -Sister .brother reunion -y/n gets abducted

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Y/n walked through jamanikai village eveyone was havejng a wonderful peaceful time in the village till someone yelled (Garmadon !!) y/n jerked her head up from looking at the ground because she was the daughter of Garmadon and usually that got people's attention at the mention of it y/n seen a shadow in the wall and seen her little brother lloyd Garmadon walking 
Doing a evil speech y/n shook her head and sighed "he's going to get into trouble if I don't talk to him " y/n mumbles to herself the people of jamanikai run away 'why are they so scared of my little brother he's just a boy yes we're the son and daughter of lord Garmadon but hey were not bad once you get to know us well I'm not at least...' y/n thought to herself as she walked to go talk sense into her little brother lloyd but as she was walking she heard hissing
'What the -hissing '
Y/n was shocked seeing a serpentine tribe with blue grey yellow and white scales slithering and walking into the village the genral stood by Lloyd commanding his men to do her little brothers bidding they were hypnotizing the villagers "take the candy take it all muawwwhaha !"  "lloyd what did you do ?!"
Y/n said to herself lloyd was always one to get into trouble one way or another trouble never had to find him him he found it first y/n hid behind a few boxes and baskets and made her way to her little brother just as she mad it y/n seen familiar colored gi's of red ,white ,black and blue —the ninja. Great . Y/n huffed  as if theirs was t complicated enough without them getting in her way she was smart and brave and she had this y/n was so wrapped up in her mind on what she was gonna do till she heard a loud deep throated hisss near her the genral stood over her red swirled eyes crimson and bright she smiled and waved "Umm hi "
Lloyd seen y/n his older sister move out of the way as the genral lunges to grab her she darted and avoided the serpentine pretty well till she tripped and a  serpentine caught her she fought and tugged against the cobras grip
Skales was the one who held her and he adored her fighting spirit the fire in her blood her warmth y/n seen the ninja fighting the serpentine and Lloyd everything was chaos and it made y/n's head spin "your quite a worrier aren't you girl ssss " y/n turned and looked at the hipnobrai snake that held her and had spoken y/n looked into his eyes but he wasn't hypnotizing her he just looked at her they held the gaze for a moment till a ninja kicked the cobra in the face making him let her go "you ok missy" the ninja asked looking from her to the snake y/n glared at the ninja growling she shook her head and dusted the snow off herself "thanks njnja but no thank you I can handle myself -now excuse me " y/n moved and came to help lloyd up off the ground he was complaining about all his candy being spilt on the snowy ground "y/n sister what are you doing here " lloyd asked looking up at her y/n shook her head dusting him off "doesn't matter right now lloyd -what are you doing do you ever stay out of trouble your supposed to be at the school for bad boys were no sent you you ran away didn't you " lloyd gave a small smile then turned and yelled "RETREAT!" To the serpentine the genral nodded and the serpentine all began to leav the ninja smacked the genral and he dropped the staff which the earth ninja cole picked up and he looked at it but found himself looking into the eyes of Skales nearly getting hypnotized by him till nya kicked him making him leave cole alone befor he could hypnotize cole nya shouted for cole to use the genrals staff for the anti venom he nodded flipping and stuck the staff into the fountain the venom came out in a misty fog skales hissed as the ninja stole the staff
He turned his head to the young worrier like girl he's held he found himself drawing to her she would be his no matter who she was she would be his mate his female regardless being human . Skales retreated with the other serpentine of his people lloyd turned to see the serpentine hissing at his sister
"No don't harm her bring her !" Lloyd yelled the genral bowed "yesssss masssster seize her !"Y/n didn't have time to react as she was scooped up and carried away from the human village what had she gotten into she didn't know all she knew was she felt the hipnobrais cerlien eyes on her the hipnobrai that had held her befor she wasn't gonna argue the hipnobrai didn't hurt her she could tell he had taken a likening to her for some reason she don't know why . They soon made it back to the frozen hipnobrai tomb y/n had made them let her go and put her down she didn't like being carried it made her feel weak the tomb had a chill but at least she wore layers to keep the cold off the hipnobrai tribe gathered in their social clusters and spoke in their toung being the daughter of Garmadon she knew some of their language not that hard it was almost as plain as the ninjago alphabet to her and her ABCs y/n seen lloyd hitting his head and shaking his head softly probably mad he didn't get his candy she seen the hipnobrai was looking at her his eyes glowed brightly he smiled a fanged smile at her smirking his toung flicked out swiftly from his lips befor disappearing in his mouth again .again he wasn't hypnotizing her she shook her head and she walked to lloyd to go talk to him about the ordeal of the day as she did she felt the hipnobrais eyes following her as she did do
Y/n made it to her little brother who was groaning about his candy "CANDY I NEED CANDY OH!" Y/n made her steppes heard lloyd turned to his sister who looked unamused
As he figted with his hands and black cloak
"Lloyd for get the candy are you ok what's today about ?" Y/n said in stern firm sister voice lloyd slumped his shoulders "I wanted to be like dad —I wanted revenge on the ninja they were jerks to me earlier today y/n -I just wanted to make them pay for it -and I wanted candy " y/n nodded glanceing at the hipnobrais the genral was speaking to the hipnobrai who stared at her and had a interest for her the one with yellow on his head "and the hipnobrai the Umm what about the serpentine-thouse part of the plan of (revenge)?"y/n said and shifted her weight on her hip hand on her hips raising a brow lloyd rubbed his neck "I'm they actually a accident I was walking in the tundra barren waist lands the border to the frozen mountains side and I was kicking a rock and it hit something metal and I cleared the snow next thing I know I pulled the lever and I fell and I found myself my ow army of snakes " lloyd smiled
Y/n sighed she sat his at a Column of the frozen stone and listened to the ambience around her the hisses the blizzard above them good thing they were underground she listened to the conversation of the genral and the hipnobrai intrested in her the "boy sssssset ussss free !" The genral hissed looking to the other hipnobrai with yellow on his head "he is a child he issss not one of ussss!!" The other hissed back swiping his hand in a angered motion irritation in his face his good flared the generals wasn't having the attitude his own good glaring back he shoved the hipnobrais hand away and off of his shoulder and slithering Back a little pointing to the second in command "I may not have the sssstaff but I'm still your general ssstand down !!" The general hissed the hipnobrai hissed lowering his head and gaze anger in his leaders notions the genral. Turned away dismissing the lower ranked hipnobrai he stood there a moment then his hands clenched and he turned and snapped his head to meet y/n's gaze her breath caught in her throat she seen anger lust for power to the raw want to be more then himself and current situation he turned away and walked to another lower rank hipnobrai y/n was Interested in the conversation between the two serpentine the cobra spoke to the one with yellow "you coward we all know he's is under Lloyd's spell you are second in commander and ssstill you do nothing !" The cobra hissed angry the turn of events didn't go as he'd hoped the second in command shook his head "now was not the time I still hold the key to destroy the ninja and become genral of our tribe and when I do that everyone will see it is I who should be in control " the hipnobrai looked through the earth ninjas eyes for a moment with the hipnobrai sight befor he came back and his eyes shifted to y/n and he stared at her
"And she shall be my mate mine and nothing will keep ussss apart she will be queen of our tribe when I am genral and we shall rule forever!" y/n didn't hear the last part because he was whispering and nearly able to be heard
Y/n wasn't sure was was gonna happen but she would go along with it just to look out for her brother and maybe she did find the serpentine attractive ❤️💋🐍🐍👍😁

I eveyone he's the first chapter hope you like it hope everyone is well and doing good I hope this chapter is good I was stuck all day trying to work something up a back and forth process but first chapter to the new request is here

Yandere serpentine X Lord Garmadon's Daughter Where stories live. Discover now