Chapter 1: A VERY Disappointing Letter

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"Turn to page 394"
As the flittering of pages continued you once again zone out causing your mind to wander somewhere else, barely listening to snapes dull voice drone on and on in the background.

A ball of scrunched up paper hitting your back brings your mind back to reality.

"Psst, Bella, over here."

You recognise that voice, the voice of your one and only lover.

Fred Weasley

You have liked him for about 3ish years now and now it's just plain depressing. He has never liked you even though you have now started hinting your crush to him. Hes only got eyes for another girl. She's in your year and you have known each other since birth, you wouldn't have a problem with Freddie's crush if it weren't for one thing.

Brittney is your sister.

Anyway, not wanting to disappoint him, you turn your head immediatly, causing whiplash, and being the most accident prone, clumsy person in your life, you fall on the floor.

The class seizes into a VERY awkward silence, Snape turns his head towards you slowly savouring the moment you knew would put Gryffindor in last place with house points.

"MISS JEAN" He barked. "What are you doing on the, f l o o r?"

You knew no matter what your answer was, he would still take a ton of points off Gryffindor house.

So, regretting it later, you said the first thing that popped into your head.

"Well, er, you see professor, I was, er, um, practising for the new play I created with my friends."

What a stupid thing to say you moron! WHY DID I SAY THAT?

"Ah" Snape said, "well then 70 points from Gryffindor for falling on the floor, 20 points from Gryffindor for....not listening to what I was saying, and 30 points from Gryffindor, Mr Weasley," turning to Fred and George "for throwing parchment at another student. Also 10 points for being a Weasley".

Everyone, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, were staring at Snape, with their mouths opening and closing like goldfishes.

"Oh and-"

"Hang on are you actually kidding me Snape?"
You don't know what made you do it but that was enough.

"You cant take that many points off of Gryffindor JUST BECAUSE I FELL OF A CHAIR!"

Curling his lip in disgust he replied with "I was merely asking if you would show me and the other staff members wether we could see this 'play' you were practising. Oh and it's professor to you Miss Jean"


"Detention. My office. 5 pm tomorrow night. And you to Mr Weasley"


How did I get myself into this mess?


Walking out of the potions class you caught up with your closest friends, Fred and George, who were uncontrollably laughing

"That was honestly the worst thing you could have said!" Said George in between hiccoughs.

"Well it wasn't my fault that he"
You jabbed your finger at Fred

"Oh and Merlin knows how that hell did you manage to fall off your stool just because I threw that at yo-"

But he was interupted by you falling over once again, but this time it wasn't your fault.

It was Malfoys.

You have always hated him from as soon as you set eyes on him. It's kind of like hate at first sight.

Malfoy stuck out his foot side ways and shoved you on to the last and first person you wanted to fall into.
If you get what I mean 😏

Can you guess who?

George Weasley
Nah jk
It was Fred

Freddie's eyes widened as your faces became inches apart. His chocolate brown eyes met yours but relaxed as soon as he saw who it was that fell into him.

You were frozen,not wanting to move out of this position, until George coughed loudly trying to get your attention.

*Hem hem*


You awkwardly - and unwillingly - scrambled off of Fred mumbling your apologies to him, but he caught you by surprise and hugged you tighter.

"Gee bells, you worry too much, it's just a friendly hug"

Your short moment of happiness turned into gloomy crap.
Welp he still doesn't like me...


The next day as the post arrived you looked up inside search for your snowy owl, Davies, and caught her flying towards you.

You barely ever have received letters, since your parents are muggles.

You gave her some bacon and toast and watched her spread her wings and soar to the owlery to go hoot up some other owls and boast about the letter she had just given. You just had a feeling that's what went on up in the owlery.

Third person POV:
Fred watched you out of the corner of his eyes as you opened the letter.
He was secretly into you and had been for a while now.
He was elightened to see you got a letter because he knew how much you loved reacieving them.

But his good mood vanished as soon as it had come. Because your face had just gone pale white. He saw you gasp and quickly stand up, tears had appeared on your face. You ran out of the hall causing murmers from the other house tables.

Fred called out to you but was ignored, what ever it was, it wasn't good. You never ignored him.

Bella's POV:

That letter. It had changed your life. The worst thing you can hear as a child, put into 4 words.

"Your parents, were murdered."

Fred's POV:
I followed her out of the great hall, and found her curled up in an empty ball, crying in one of the empty classrooms.

I sat down next to her and I knew that she knew it was me, we have known each other for so long now.

I felt her turn into my chest, and I could feel her tears soaking my chest. I let her cry there for some time now until I asked what was wrong.

All she did was shivering the crumpled up letter into my hand.

I was shook e t h.

"How did this happen? Who sent this letter?" I had so many questions but I knew she wasn't ready to answer any of them now. So being the nice friend I am I let her cry her heart out right there and then. But deep down I knew something was wrong, this wasn't right.

Something was deffinitly VERY wrong here, and I needed to find out what was wrong.

Authors note:
Thanks for reading this chapter everyone ❤️❤️
This is that first fanfic I have ever written, seeing as I am 12 years old.
Please leave lots of comments as I love reading them. And could you recommend this to your friends?
Oh and if anyone has any ideas for this story I would love to hear them!
Thanks 😘

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