Chapter 5

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A/N: I would like to thank everyone who have followed and favorited this story. As well as everyone who commented on the last chapter.


"Naruto," Turning around from where he was sitting on the couch going through the history of this world, Naruto saw Jiraiya standing in front of the door with an envelope in his right hand stretched out to him. "Your letter from the school is here." Naruto gave him a confused look before he realized what he was saying. He was still trying to understand everything about this world that he had completely forgot about the letter from the school.

Walking over to him, Naruto grabbed the letter from his hand and returned to his spot on the couch. Nothing too fancy about it aside from the wax seal that kept the envelope closed. Opening it, Naruto saw that there was no letter inside, only a small circular device. "What..." he whispered quietly to himself. This was not something he had come across yet in my studies. Holding the small device in the flat of my palm, he pressed the center of it with my other hand. Suddenly, a smaller, less solid version of All Might appeared in the center of the device, scaring him and causing him to jump and the small device to land on the couch cushion in front of him.

"I am here as a projection!" The projection All Might yelled at him. "Actually," continued projection All Might after a small pause, "I came to this town to work at U.A. You have passed both the written and practical exam! However, you did not earn any rescue points. You see, this exam was not graded only on villain points! How can you call yourself a hero when you don't save others? There were also rescue points in this exam! But you did not get any of these. Despite this, you have still earned yourself a spot in class 1-A! Naruto Uzumaki, 58 points! You pass! Welcome, young Uzumaki, to your Hero Academia!"

After that was said, the projection turned off, leaving a mildly confused Naruto in its wake. Naruto had written down the name's seen on the scoreboard of people he assumed would be his classmates. He would have to start researching these people, and congratulate Izuku on making it in. But Naruto was still confused about how All Might had appeared as a projection.

"I'll give Haru a call," Said Jiraiya from behind Naruto. He was leaned against the couch, having been paying attention to the All Might Projection. "Hopefully he can help us get some information on your classmates." At this, Jiraiya started to walk away, already dialing Haru's number before pausing. He made his way back to Naruto before placing his hand on top of his head and rubbed it affectionally "Rank 10...right in the middle...good job kid." He flashed Naruto a warm and genuine smile before turning around and walking into the other room.

Naruto turned back around so his back was to the back of the couch again before smiling and shaking his head. He then picked his book back up with the intention of continuing to read about the history of this world. But before he could do that, he heard another voice in his head. 'Yeah what that old fool said, good job kid. You managed to not fuck something up for once.' Laughing lightly at what Kurama said, Naruto returned to his reading.


Naruto continued walking towards U.A. alone. He was hoping to see Izuku on the way there. He figured that he had put off getting to know the boy for too long. While Naruto knew that he shouldn't make any personal connections, he wanted to be acquaintances with Izuku. It was going to become inventible, they lived in the same apartment complex, were in the same class, and it would probably be like that for the next three years. He wasn't trying to form strong friendships with anyone, but he would need to get to know them.

Finally reaching the U.A. campus, Naruto made his way towards class 1-A. however, the corridors seemed oddly empty to him. Double checking the time on his phone, Naruto was able to confirm with himself that he was, in fact, on time to class. Turning down the last hallway that would lead him to his classroom, Naruto saw a girl standing outside the door. He immediately recognized her as Uraraka Ochako. Remembering that her file said she was a very friendly and open-minded person; Naruto made his way over. He also spotted Izuku standing in the doorway, and the kid that interrupted Present Mic during his speech at the entrance exams. If Naruto remembered correctly, and because of his ANBU training he knew he did, he knew that his was Iida Tenya. While he could be stuck up at times, Iida generally had a respect for his classmates that were dedicated and followed the rules.

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