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Updates will come at chapter at a time only to keep story congruent with current version. At some point new parts will have more info, charaters and situations that previous story line didn't. That should not effect the original just that it will lack details from updates.

All non humans are called Otherlings: two kinds of otherlings.

Shifters; any Otherling that can take a second form.

Wielders; any Otherling that can use or has extra-ordinary abilities of any sort.

The Land of Bixiy holds regions ruled by different species all responding to their respective governent which is overlooked by the council.

The Council and Humans allow speices to run their own regions as long as the laws of their respective goverment is followed. All crimes aside from murder can be handled by the regions governing parties. This does not apply to humans.

Humans wanting to rid Otherlings have caused uproars across Bixiy. All the chaos has cause magic to go havoc causing wild Otherling to rise and cause trouble. The destruction between humans and Otherlings has caused magic to act up.

The four Emmulator families also known as the Guardian families swore to always aid and protect anyone in need regardless of species.

The families are; Godsworthy, Stone, Chassuer, and Kanshiin.

Godsworthy are immortals.
Stones are immortals: species depends on region.
Chassuer are hunters.
Kanshiin are kitsunes.

Three out of four families got together and established the Bixiys Otherling Military Aid.  (B.O.M.A). (Currently S.I.D.O - will change with edits)

The Stones refused to pass their duties to an organization and continu3led working on their own, this was turned by the Council and the Stone bloodline was shunned for their decision.

Stones continued their protective duties behind the scenes; focusing more on nature and fae creatures the Council as labeled as forbidden after disappearing from Bixiy lime light.

After the Death of Alpha Sirius Stone who brought pride to the Stones after their great "shame" by bringing peace to a region thats been at war for thirty years, Layla Stones revenge streak only worsened the treatment against Stones.


Emmulator - an Otherling who has drank the Elixir of Creation or also know as Elixir of Life. The Otherling gains immortality, adaptabilive and mimicking abilities. Regenerate healing, psychic and paranormal abilities and the ability to connect and manipulate Bixiys magic.
Emmulators can pass the Elixir of Creation to offspring but it is not a guarantee the offspring themselves will be Emmulators.

Shifters - two kinds of shifters, those who can change into different beast and those who can change into people, these shifters are rare and kept in

Those who can gain a second beast form have the ability to turn humans into a smaller, weaker version of an Otherling. As the shifter grows older the power to his bite weakens. Typical born shifters live to five hundred years.

Those who can physically change their appearance live shorter life spans; two hundred years is the oldest shifter recorded to date. Shifters begin ageing after a hundred and ten years. These shifters must have a magical tether ID(given at birth) so they can be identified even if physical features differ from birth. These shifters are rare and far in between.

Lycan - Lycans shift between the age of fourteen and thirty and are ansestors to the Emmulators who Emmulated canine demons in the Underworld and returned to Bixiy. A large massive canine shifter up to ten feet tall. Thick fur covering back and sensitive areas. Thick skin everywhere else. Could stand on back legs and be up to eighteen feet tall.

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