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He had finally bought everything he needed, like often on a Monday afternoon, so he left the supermarket and began to walk toward the closest subway station to go home. But he suddenly felt extremely dizzy and his vision started to blurry. His grocery bags fell on the ground as strength was leaving his body, and he lost balance on his feet before not being able to see a thing. He felt himself bumping into something that didn't seem to be the ground, it could even have been someone –distinguishing whatever he fell on was impossible in his state.

He lost consciousness.

The usual headache was the first thing he felt when regaining consciousness, but he surprisingly didn't feel external pain at the back of his head. He slowly opened his eyes and saw several persons staring at him, some with concern, others with panic. He wished they could look anywhere else, or him just becoming invisible, when he noticed the dude sitting on the ground right next to his head. A brunette guy with a fuckingly weird hairstyle and a green and yellow scarf was looking at him. His eyes were green, just like his own, but not really.

-Hey...how are you feeling? the brunette asked.

He tried to lift himself up and managed to sit in front of his interlocutor.

-Not exactly well, but that's not the first time, I'll manage.

The other guy addressed the people standing here passively watching.

-You people don't have to stay. Just one person is enough to help him.

They quietly moved away and supposedly returned to what they were previously doing. The guy stood up and held out his hand towards him, asking "Do you think you can get up?". A nod was his response. As he reached out his hand, he noticed that it was slightly bleeding. He struggled a bit to stand straight but still succeeded before letting go of the guy's warm hand.

-Why are you bleeding? he asked. Did I hurt you?

-That's more like I did it to myself, the brunette answered with a kind of embarrassed smile. I thought that my hand hitting the ground was better than your head directly crashing on it. So I put my hand between the ground and you head.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise, and thought that this idea was a stupid and a good one at the same time.

-Well, thank you then, he said while his hand reached out the back of his head unconsciously. Do you know how long the crisis was?

-I'd say the convulsions lasted two minutes, and you stayed unconscious for about five more. Shouldn't we call an ambulance?

He hesitated for a moment. He was diagnosed with epilepsy, but his last crisis was more than three months ago, and he had already managed to get through worse than that.

-No need to bother.

He looked around, searching for his grocery bags, and found them two steps behind him.

-How can I thank you? He asked the brunette.

After a few seconds of reflexion, staring somewhere below, the latter shamelessly took a pack of five crepes out of the bag.

-I guess that's good enough, he said with a big smile.

The guy quickly waved at him and left very suddenly, running towards an unknown destination, with the crepes.

The hell's that dude? he asked himself, irritated that he wouldn't have a desert after dinner.

We wondered what was his name, but the most intriguing part was how the brunette got his hair to look this way.


AN : First english fanfic, tell me if there's any mistakes, or when something is unclear or just doesn't make sense, I would like it to be consistent.

Hope you enjoy.


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