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You and Alvaro split up because it was the best at the time but recently you have been missing him even tho he's been with someone new (you broke up a year ago)
You were walking in the park with your friend when you seen Alvaro and his new girlfriend
You:awe he's in her arms he looks happier
Nicole:i can't believe it's been a year since y'all split
He saw you and started walking up to you with him they were both laughing and smiling
You didn't see them walking towards u
You:no one hurt him like I did but no one loves him like I do Im not gonna take it personally that he moved on with someone new I mean he looks happier
Nicole:one day you'll feel it to
Bella:umm actually I love him more than u did
Alvaro:hey um how have u been
Nicole:she hasn't been good at all I mean look at her
You had dried tears all down your face
Alvaro:omg what happened
Nicole:she misses someone
You:I know I was happier with you but ima smile and hide the truth I'm glad your happier
You:Nicole let's go
You and Nicole walk away
You:everything is reminding me of him
Nicole:it's okay don't worry
You:he's happier
Alvaro:I'm not no one hurt u like I did
You:but no one loves me like u did there's others who deserve u
Alvaro:but I'm still in love with you
You:u look so happy tho but don't worry I'll feel it one day to
Alvaro:I was happier with u
You:no u weren't
Alvaro:cleary I was I love u still
You:I love u to Alvaro but your with her if the universe wants us together I'll see u again
Alvaro:okay I should go now it was nice seeing you
You:yea you to

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