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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

"Ben, you are my brother, I don't know what is going on here. I think people are hiding something from me" I said. Ben slowly removed his hoodie. I don't know why did he dye his hair white? It's look so weird.

"Don't get your hopes high, we are cousins not siblings, I will not hesitate to kill you" said Ben. I don't even knew that I had a cousin. At least it's better than having him as my sibling. But as far as I know uncle Steven had a daughter who died in a car accident. Uncle Steven never had a son. How is that even possible? Ugh I am clueless.

"What you know about me? I think nobody is telling me the truth" I asked. He started laughing. He is so annoying.

"Oh don't think that you are some special chick, you are just a fucking mistake" he said. My blood started boiling after hearing that. He is just like his father, Steven used to tell me the same thing. Maybe I am a mistake but Steven didn't even tell anyone that he has a son which is horrible.

"If you know anything then tell me or I will took your eyes out" I said. I don't even know how did I say that but I said it. I have never been this aggressive but I am done with secrets, I need the truth.
"Touch me and you will lose your brain which you don't even have, otherwise you wouldn't have talk to me like this" said Ben. I need to be calm. I have to show him that i don't get scare from him. If he knows anything, that might help me would be great. I settle down quietly.

"Listen carefully, I want to help you so trust me. Do you even know how much trouble you are in?" Said Ben. Yes I know I am in trouble. I cannot trust him, he looks like a killer. I cannot risk my life, I need to find Mark and get out of here. I was searching for a possible way to get out . I turn around and I saw two more buff guy with guns. I think I am really really in trouble now. I hope Mark is fine.
"Oh, did I scared you? Don't worry they will not slaughter you. I can assure you that" Ben winked at me. I am not dying here for sure. I quickly took out my pepper spray and sprayed Julius in the eyes. Then I took the fucking gun and pointed it towards Ben. He was shocked, I think he didn't expected that. I am not some kind of little bitch, I can fight when it's time.

"Now are you going to speak? or should I pull the trigger" I said with a smirk.

"If you kill me, they will kill you" said Ben. He thinks he is smart but he is just a psychopath.

"Who said I am gonna kill you? I am not a killer but I will make sure you could never have kids" I said.

"My fault was that I underestimated you, after all torturing people is in our blood" he said. Torturing? If he thinks it's a torture then he is dumb. I know he will speak up, I am not cruel to hit him. Torturing is not in my blood and I am not like my father. I am not a monster.
"Can you just stop talking shit and come to the point?" I said with hatred in my voice. I don't want him to be my cousin. After today, I want to forget him forever.

"You will not believe if I tell you who the killer is? You might shoot me because you are blinded by him" said Ben. Who is he talking about? Why wouldn't I believe him? I don't think he know anything, he is just a piece of shit. I am not blinded by anyone, I know what's wrong and right.
"Tell me or I will pull the trigger" I said. I don't even know how to use a gun. I was just bluffing him. As long as he is scared I am fine.

"Elijah killed your mother, he is not a good guy, he is just playing with you. It's like a chess game, one wrong move and you are gonna lose everything, stop trusting him" said Ben. What? It's not true. Elijah will never do that, he can't kill people. Ben is lying to me, I know he is lying. I am not gonna fall for this. I trust Elijah, he will not do that. He is a good guy, right? I mean he helped me and my sister. Why didn't he kill me then? He cannot play with me. I felt like my world was spinning. I don't want disappointment.

"Think Nora, why did he never leaved your side? Why is he taking care of you? He is not innocent. He killed many people and he loves it. It's a game to him" said Ben. No, no no no. The gun dropped from my hand. I was on the verge of crying. no it's not true. Elijah is a good guy. He don't even have a proof. I don't trust him.

"Elijah didn't leave my side because he thought that I needed help and I am staying with him because I need a job, we had an agreement. How can I trust you? You don't even have any proof" I said. I cannot be weak. I need to see the truth. I believe Elijah is innocent. He will never kill anyone.

"Proof has always been in front of you but you ignored it, open your eyes little sister. Tell me didn't he called you that day? When your mother was out. He asked you to meet in a Café but never showed up, maybe he was busy killing Rose" he said. He is right. Elijah did asked me to meet him and he didn't came himself. He never did that before untill that day. Why didn't he came? Was he really? No, he will not. Elijah must be busy with something else. But he never do that, he never get late nor he forgets.

"Didn't he visited your mother's funeral? He must be happy to see that he got succeeded. The Cooper's are very proud and self-centred, they would never go to their assistant mother's funeral, think" he said. Suddenly my mom's words hit me. She told me that the Cooper's are very dangerous, maybe she was right. She knew something and Elijah killed her.

"Don't even dare to trust Elian, he is a fucking manipulative bastard, sweet from the outside but pure evil from inside" Ben was keep on saying things which hit me hard like rocks. Why didn't I saw this coming? How can I be so blinded by it? Elijah, it's always been Elijah. He destroyed my life, he took away my freedom, my job, my mom and now....Nina! I need to protect her. She must be back from school. I cannot live her with a killer. I have to go. Be stong Nora, nobody can break you down. I quickly get up and ran towards the door but his people stop me.

"If you need help just call me, you already have my number" said Ben.

"Who said I trust you? I will hate you forever" I said. I hit the guy in the main point and ran outside. I saw Mark sitting on the table, beside him was a guy with a knife in his pocket. I took my pepper spray and sprayed him.

"We have to get out from here, run" I said. By the look on his face I could tell that he was confused. I grab him  and we both ran. I heard some gunshots but we didn't stop.

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now