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Amelia is three in this imagine

SUMMARY: Amelia has a fear of thunder and goes to find her father one night

Warnings: Fluff, Willy being dad of the year

Amelia squeaked when yet another crack of thunder resounded throughout the room, she pulled the covers closer to her face.

She practically shook with fear when the lightning lit up her room, tears welling up in her eyes.

Slowly she pulled the covers away, grabbing her favourite blanket and teddy bear, she walked out of her quite large room, holding her teddy bear closer to her.

It seemed as though the walls of the factory was coming to life.

She knocked softly on her parents bedroom door, creaking the door open, she peered into the dark room and noticed only one person in the bed, the other side empty.

She did not want to disturb her mother, remembering her fathers words about not waking her up because the little baby inside her caused her constant exhaustion.

She slowly closed the door, shuffling away from the door and down the corridor.

After a few minutes of wandering she noticed a crack of light under her fathers office.

She pushed the door open, cringing at the creaking sound.

"How many times do I have to tell you?" Willy groaned, throwing his pen onto his desk and rubbing his eyes "I don't know where the egg beaters are" He turned in his seat, expecting to see the same Oompa Loompa who had been bothering him every ten minutes

He was not expecting to see his frankly terrified daughter, clutching her teddy bear and blanket closer to her body.

"Dada" She cried, running towards her father and jumping into his outstretched arms

"What are you doing up little bean?" Willy asked, combing his fingers through her dark brown locks

"T-thunder" She stuttered, letting out a small hiccup and clutching onto her fathers shirt, crinkling it in her fist

Willy sighed, pulling his daughter closer to him and standing up.

"Where are we going?" She asked, watching as he turned the light to the office off and walked down the corridor

"We're going back to bed, little bean" Willy replies, adjusting her on his arm and walking into her dark room

He gently laid her down on the soft plush covers and pulled them up so they went up to her chin.

"Can you stay?" She asked, her violet eyes shining with tears

Willy hesitated for a moment before nodding, taking his slippers off he climbed over her and lay against her headboard, pulling her to his chest and stroking her long locks.

He thanked his past self for purchasing her a double bed. 

He is pretty much a billionaire.

(No joke I actually searched up the net worth and he's apparently worth 1.9 billion, or somethin)

She curled into him, her teddy bear squishing into his ribs and he shifted uncomfortably. Amelia didn't seem to mind, falling into a deep sleep quite quickly.

Willy fell asleep a few minutes after her.


"You sure he wasn't in his office?" You asked

"I went back there about three times" The fourteen year old Charlie replied "He could be anywhere in this factory"

"Let's just check Amelias room" You opened her oak door, your heart squeezing at the sight in front of you

Your husband lay against the pillows, Amelia practically on his chest, her head tucked under his chin, both of them sleeping soundly.

"Perhaps let's leave them for a little while longer" You pursed your lips, closing the door gently

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