Mrs. Nora's house

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This is happening again, like the last night and days ago when I tried to sleep. The sound of a door-knocking, not from my home or any neighbor next to my house. I knew it came from the abandoned house where nobody is living anymore, the house of Mrs. Nora.

It was an ancient house with the windows broken, rotten wood walls and classic look of a haunted house. According to my oldest neighbors, there was a beautiful woman who lived there whose divorced started to make her distant to the neighborhood. Most of the time she was just inside, hanging out when going to the supermarket or being on the roof smoking a cigarette to look at the stars.

She moved out a lot of years ago before I started living in this neighborhood, but every time I walk close to the house I could hear a strange sound of a door knocking. One night I didn't think a lot to do it, but I put my sweater on and went to Mrs. Nora's house. That stupid knocking sound was in my mind every night and knowing my neighbors haven't heard something like that made me feel that this was, in fact, a superstition. Being foolish as always, I took Bobby, my french poodle friend who always starts barking when someone was around me. Together we walked almost at midnight to discover what the hell was in that place.

Bobby and I were walking around the house, nothing more than little rats running around the living room, a bunch of spiderwebs on the attic giving me the idea that all of this knocking stuff was just in my mind. No one was here and I'm not the kind of person who believe in ghosts.

But at the moment I started walking down the stairs, Bobby and I got freeze. I felt something around, or someone, this feeling was familiar like when you know your family is hiding from you in your room with the lights off to wish you a happy birthday. In this case, I was alone, no one except me and Bobby who was moving his head around looking at the darkness. When I gave the last step down the stairs I felt a huge knocking around that made me fall to the floor confused. Starting to run out of the house I look back to Bobby and he was smelling something on the floor.

Turning on the flashlight on my phone to see if someone was around us, I was directing the light now with my shaky hand to Bobby's side. He wagged his tail barking me, and when I moved a big dusty carpet from the floor, there was a part of it smelling so dirty like a dead cat on the highway.

It was curious that this one was the only part of the house with this smell, so instead of getting out there with my friend, I took out parts of the old floor while Bobby was still barking around. Underneath the floor was, a big box, like those giants boxes people throw out after buying their new TV. The box was covered with many blank sheets. I can't carry it to the first floor, was heavy as hell, but when I stretched my arms to finally open it, what it was now a curiosity vibe of me turned into a scary and shocked part who can't even move a finger when I saw him. A man, maybe a forty-year man wearing a nice brown suit with no signal of life.

Half an hour later when the police came to investigate, they notified me and neighbors around who got awake thanks to Bobby's barking, that the person inside was Mr. Alexander. While the police start calling for the persecution of the current Mrs.Nora's whereabouts, I started thinking that the past knocking sounds I heard every night was then a calling from the help of a poor soul trying to find an exit.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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