Cretaceous Club: Land

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   Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ian, Ian Darconie. Right now my brother Max and I are on the trip of a life time, a trip to Tyrantium Cave. All of it started when I was born, I've been obsessed with the Mesozoic era ever since I can remember. Yes I know it sounds far-fetched, a baby even knowing what that word means should be an accomplishment. But really my mobile that hung above my crib, it was Pteranodon's spinning about, and my teddy bear, you guessed it a dinosaur plush. But now that my life story is out of the way, here are some important things, I just turned 14, I'm 5ft, my skin is Caucasian and I have emerald green eyes. As for my brother Max, he is basically me but shorter, he is 12 years old and Caucasian just like me, emerald eyes and 4 ft 6. And now that those more important details are out of the way, it's time to explore. I CANT WAIT TO GET TO THAT CAVE!! This will be a trip I'll never forget.

                                               Chapter 1 Cave Research.

    We've been at the cave campsite an hour now, all we have done is set up tents and get our things prepared. Me and Max set out our brushes and chisels and changed into our pajamas. The camp counselors outside our tent were getting the fire ready. Once they did Max and I unzipped the door and went to sit on the logs around the now lit healthy fire. I can't wait to explore in the morning.

    We were all hungry from the road trip, so the counselors got baked beans and some mashed potatoes to cook. I've had stove top food before, but nothing that tasted as good as old fashioned fire cooked. Now that our stomachs were filled, it was time for sleep. Back in the tent, Max and I got in our sleeping bags and began to talk.

"Do you think we'll find anything" Max asked.

"Are you serious, you've heard the history of this cave? This cave has been around since the early Mesozoic, giving it the chance to house any dinosaur/ Pterosaurs!" Ian exclaimed back.

   The camp outside was silent; everyone in their forts and the cave still, in its menacing yet amazing darkness. Everyone was asleep, that is except for the two brothers. Whose curiosity was winning them over? Ian walked towards the tent door and opened it completely, Max then followed.

   Now outside Ian looked at Max and put his index finger to his lips, motioning for him to keep quiet, Max then nodded. They crept towards Tyrantium Cave in the cloak of night and were met with the entrance. Waiting for this their whole lives, without any hesitation they stepped into the belly of the beast. Ian pushed the switch of his flashlight illuminating the way in front and they saw nothing but brown walls, to the left and right.... and what seemed to be a never-ending path.

   They continued their journey and still found nothing. Then after hours of searching they turned right. The flashlights began to burn out and had no hope of staying on. Once the lights were dead they saw two small fire puffs in the distance. They being the adventurers they are sprinted towards the fire. Once they stopped they were met with a dusty tan brown wall, at the top was a full body skeleton of an Iguanodon, from head to tail and two torched being held up by hooks, one on both sides of the Iguanodon but at shoulder height. The brothers stared in amazement at their discovery.

   Footsteps then began to approach in the pitch black of the lightless cave. The brothers with no place to go faced them head on. Out of the cloud of dusk came a girl. Her name, Jessica King. The boy's faces we're now back to full color, realizing it was just a girl, and not a blood thirsty dinosaur.

Cretaceous Club: LandWhere stories live. Discover now