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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I don't know what to do. I am lost. I cannot go to my house, Elijah might find me. I need to go somewhere else. I was in the car with Mark. He was driving it. I cannot even find a fucking job. I do not believe anything.

"Can you tell me what is going on? Those guys looked like some mafia shit, you didn't tell me anything about guns, they were armed" said Mark. I don't even know myself. I cannot trust anyone. I don't know who is the good one. I am done with this, I am leaving.

"Do you know a better place to stay for the night? A motel or anything" I asked. Mark looked worried.

"Are you out of your mind? Motel? It's very dangerous to stay in a motel alone. What happened to your house?" He said. He don't know that I live in Elijah's house, actually no one knows. So if get murdered no one will suspect Elijah. I cannot tell anyone about this, I need proof first. Without proof no one will believe me.

"I don't have any house anymore, how did I even end up in this situation? I need to keep Nina safe, she is just a kid" I said. My emotions were mixed up. I wanted to cry as well as wanted to punch someone.

"You can stay at my place, I live alone. I stay at an apartment, not bigger like house but you will be safe. When you will be ready, you can leave" said Mark. I do not have any other choice so I agreed. But I am just gonna stay for the night and tomorrow I will find a good place to stay. I could stay with our grandparents for some weeks. But I have to do something.

"Stop here, let me bring my stuff and Nina and I will meet you here" I said. I get out of the car and started walking. Elijah's house was pretty far away from this place but I don't want Mark to know about this. After walking little bit, I called an cab. I need to be fast. I hope Elijah is not at home. I will grab Nina and just leave. I have to tell a lie to Nina. I cannot do this. I need mom. I am so lost and clueless. Am I doing the right thing? I want to slap Elijah. But I need to know the truth first. I cannot believe Ben. But I need to keep Nina safe ans for that I need to leave. I don't know who to trust and believe. Elijah is good but I cannot trust him now, I need to make sure that is he is a good guy.

Some of the guards may have already told Elijah that I was out. I slowly enter the house. It was clear. No one was there in the living room. I ran upstairs and towards my room. I took my backpack and grab all necessary stuffs. I am leaving this hell. I knock on Nina's door. She was playing with her dolls. I feel like I am just ruining her life.

"Hey, grab your dolls, change your clothes, we have to go, now" I said. She looked confused.

"Why? Where are we going? Where were you for so long?" She said. Ugh, she ask too many questions and this not the right time.

"We are going to a safe place, don't worry. Just do as I told you to do" I said. She stood up and put her toys in her bag. I guess she understands.

"You know, Elijah was looking angry because you left, he was arguing with Lila" said Nina. What? He is home? Oh no, we have to leave now. There is no time. I took her bag. I hold her hand and took her out of the room. I hope there is no one. We have to be careful. I don't think I can leave silently, there are guards outside.

"Leaving so soon, not even a goodbye" I heard Elijah's voice. I turn around and saw him. I am not going to fall for his manipulative talks. He can do anything.

"Yes, it's time for me to go and goodbyes are only for close people not for killers and liars" I said. He looked confused. Yeah, he had a great acting skills.

"What are you saying? Killer? Are you dreaming or something?" He said. I wish it was a dream but it's not. He knows what I am talking about but look at his face, he seems so innocent.

"Stop with that, I know what you did, please let us go, I want to go far away from you" I said. My voice was cracking. I wanted to cry.

"What did I do? Is it about last night? Then we can discuss this" he said. Did he really? Ugh, I am getting frustrated now. I saw one his guard to whisper something in Elijah's ear. Are they going to kill me too?

"No, just let me go, I need to be away from you. You are just too much right now" I said. I was having mixed feelings. One part of me was not ready to leave him and another part was angry and filled with rage.

"Who is holding you, you can leave whenever you want. I don't know what I did but you should be careful out their" he said. I didn't thought he would agree so easily. Careful? He is talking like I am in some kind of apocalypse. I was kinda sorry. I don't even know if he is the killer but I cannot take chances.

"I will" I said. I took Nina's hand and we left. The guards didn't stop us. I quickly took a cab and meet Mark. He was waiting for us.

"What took you so long, I thought you live somewhere near here" he said. I sighed. I told him that I was living with Elijah and I had to leave because of some problems. He looked shocked.

"Wow, Elijah never let anyone to stay with him, you are lucky. You must be dumb to leave his place" he said. I am not lucky, I am just unlucky. Darkness follows me everywhere. I wish I could  tell him about my conflict. We get inside the car and Mark start driving.

"So are you going to tell me what is going on? Or you gonna ignore me because I am a kid?" Asked Nina.

"I would ignore you because it's the best thing to do" I said harshly.

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