Millennial Secret Of Sam Stewart's, Travel in Time Chapter 4-5

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Chapter 4. Georky's Blanca <> Dark Shadow

There is a reality in the life of every human being on Earth or living being in the Universe. The theory that we are alone is wrong. That it is hidden by fear, by the theory of convenience, comes from ancient times. The ancients did it for convenience, and the belief continued there. But how can it be? And God, what is it then? And the beings of light?

In the dimension that I walk there are many souls who have not reached the place of origin, and wander seeking peace throughout all of existence. I am known among the beings of light as Aura Blanca, an angel of light, and I am going to tell you the story of a divine being in the service of God, and a soul that through millennia, after being trapped, continues to do harm through of his method of deception, using souls who fell into sin and vile delusions of humanity itself, knowing the truth. It is called Dark Shadow.

From the beginning of humanity there were divine angels who knew a lot about everything, very powerful for directly serving the Divine Creator. The closer to the Creator, the more ambitious they got, down to the level of wanting to take their place, as if God were a replaceable being. And the Creator, realizing everything, gave them the opportunity to redeem themselves, but it was not so, they believed it, and the Black Shadow was expelled from the presence of God, and his followers angels were expelled with him and banished from Heaven.

They fell from the grace of God, now, after being imprisoned, their power was still very strong, but they could not touch human beings from the dimension they were in, they only used a black shadow that did evil to beings, wrapped them with she bringing greed, betrayal, desires to have what is alien at any cost, power, killings, displacement, which is bad at dawn, with legions of fallen spirits.

The shadows of evil rule the world from its dark labyrinth and enter the minds of anyone who does not have the grace of God in their lives, since Aura Blanca protects the children of the Divine Creator. The hunger for power and money goes back millennial years, the desire to have what does not belong to them and take over everything, perhaps if it were to share it, but it is only for one person only.

What cruelty is that, without taking into account that they could harm everyone, regardless of age, only if they are powerful and rich. For generations it has been this way, and evil has always dominated them. When there is a being who wants to get out of that slavery, where their spirit cries out that they want to be free, there comes that shadow to take over and change them, so that daily life or the system of life forces them.

How sad is that, to be forced by others without being able to have the slightest help on how to get rid, bound, made slaves, they walk like zombies from work to the home. Eating, sleeping, lying down and so on, repeatedly the same story. That for millennia has been going on. How to end that? We have to work to help the brothers, show them the truth of how we are abducted for millennia with the same life, and their methods of deception, forced by wanting to help others to see the truth, that the Creator is one and only He can us help get out of the dark place we are living, open your minds and see the truth.

Do not continue to listen to the dark-hearted, who deceitfully show that they are worshipers of the Creator, but they are only hidden behind the cloak, but they do not use it, they only cover the sins they do. They say they believe in a God and they even use a weapon that they used to kill the Son of God, a weapon called a cross, which does the same thing as an electric chair: kill a human being.

Why worship a cross? If it would be like worshiping an electric chair, it takes away the life given by the Creator until the name of God is used to worship all kinds of things. When we refer to God, be very careful! God has no name or face, and even Moses knew that. The Creator himself told him that he has no name, and is only known to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In this way they will know that it is He to whom they speak in these times.

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