Chapter 1: Presentiment

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While the rest of the team was sound asleep on the ship.  It was another story for Bonnie.  She'd been sound asleep when a dream woke her up.  Or was it a premonition?  She couldn't exactly tell.  But what was seen in the dream, Bonnie didn't like.  It made her restless and uncomfortable.  The dream was related to Mystic Falls.  But the person in the dream, Bonnie didn't recognize.  They were looking for something.  What that was, was unknown.  She'd woken up before getting to that part.  Since the dream had Bonnie riled up, unable to sleep.  She crawled out of bed, quietly exiting the room.  Doing her best to keep quiet as she moved about the ship.  So she wouldn't wake the others.

Bonnie felt like she needed some fresh air, to calm her nerves.  She needed to get outside so there was more room to breathe.  After the image she saw in the dream.  It unnerved her.  As far as Bonnie knew.  Things were calm since she'd stopped hellfire a few years ago.  Sure, they still had creatures looming over the Mystic Falls school.  Because of some relics Ric was hiding.  But there hadn't been anything too out of control.  Like the hellfire, or Katherine coming back, or Kai.  Bonnie shivered at the thought of Kai.  Now she felt more restless and paranoid.  Could Kai be connected to whoever the person was in her dream?  No..  Kai was dead.  He couldn't possibly have anything to do with the dream.  "Stop it Bonnie..  You're being paranoid."  She mumbled out loud.

"Is everything okay miss Bennett?"  Gideon's voice piped up.  "I'm fine.."  Bonnie responded.  But the thought of Kai somehow being back, kept seeping in her head.  Though Bonnie wasn't sure she wanted to know.  She needed to for her own sanity.  So she could put the thoughts behind her.  That this was a dream.  Not a premonition.  It didn't mean anything.  "Actually..  Gideon.."  Bonnie kept her voice low, doing her best not to wake the others.  "Could you tell me if there's any anachronisms in Mystic Falls right now?" 

"Bonnie?"  Bonnie jumped, hearing the familiar voice coming from behind.  She swirled around, coming face to face with Ray.  Letting out a small sigh.  There was a worried expression on his face.  Most likely having heard her question.  "What's going on?"  Bonnie stood there in silence a few moments.  Running a hand through her hair.  "Don't say nothing..  Because there's something.  I can see it.  You're on edge.  I know you Bonnie.."  Ray kept his voice low also.  So not to wake the other.  Though he was beginning to think he should.  Maybe there was somewhere they should be.  Something they should know.  But something told him that he should hear Bonnie's answer first.

"I..  It's..  Just a dream I had."  Bonnie mumbled.  "I was checking with Gideon, making sure everything was still in place.  It appears they are.  I was just heading back to sleep.."  Bonnie responded.  Brushing past Ray.  Before she could get any further, however, he caught her arm.  She took a step back, so she was looking directly in his eyes.  "Bonnie.."  He muttered.  She took a deep breath.  "Like I said, I know you.  You can't trick me.  It wasn't a dream.  It was a premonition wasn't it?  That's why you're checking with Gideon."

Bonnie fidgeted, feeling Ray's hand catch her arm.  Remaining silent for a few moments before giving a nod of response.  "Do we need to wake Sara?"  "I'm not sure..  There was something that felt off about it."  "How so?"  "Well, I've never seen this person before.  Yet, he was looking for something in Mystic Falls."  "Were you able to see what?"  Bonnie shook her head.  "No, I woke up before the object became clear."

Ray ran a hand through his hair, trying to think.  "Don't suppose you caught the name of this person at all?"  Bonnie shook her head.  "No, sorry.."  "Perhaps we should wake Sara."  "No no..  There's no need for that.  I don't want to worry her if there isn't anything needing worrying.  Besides, Mystic Falls is my town.  My responsibility.  I'll go on my own.  That way if something is going on.  Nobody here will get hurt."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."  Bonnie gave Ray a look.  "What do you mean?  Can't let me do what?"  "Go on your own."  At his response, Ray was surprised, seeing a hint of fear flash through Bonnie.  "No!"  She stated quickly.  "I told you, nobody will get hurt.  Not on my watch." 

Since coming aboard the waverider.  It seemed like Ray took a fancy towards Bonnie.  Which she could see right away.  As he made his affections very obvious from the beginning.  But after everything Bonnie went through.  She wasn't sure she was quite there yet.  She wasn't ready for moving on.  Neither of them had told each other anything.  Where they stood.  Bonnie was too afraid.  After going through what happened with Enzo. 

Everyone around Bonnie tended to get hurt.  She was the one out of all her friends, who always had to do the ultimate sacrifice.  So she could save those she loved.  Because that's who Bonnie was.  And because of that, she couldn't allow herself to get close to Ray, or anyone.  Bonnie did care for him.  Which was why she wasn't going to allow him with her. 

"Please Ray, I need to do this.  I'll be okay.  I promise.  I always am."  Ray could see Bonnie meant what she was saying.  He let out a small sigh.  Finally deciding it was best to give in.  "Alright.  But don't make me regret my choice.."  Bonnie only nodded in response.  Before taking a few steps closer towards Ray.  Wrapping her arms around his neck, giving him a hug. 

The hug was to reassure Ray she'd be safe, and come back.  After a few seconds, Bonnie pulled back.  "Thank you."  She muttered.  "And..  You won't.."  She added.  Before brushing past him.  Ray turned around just in time.  To watch Bonnie exit off the ship.  Having a sinking feeling, that he would do just that.  Regret his choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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