Chapter 1

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"Living a life as one deems fit is not a complete life. Those that live life as though their very soul were to be auctioned, live a complete life, as they experience pain and suffering far differently"
- Elise Redwood

The chime of a small bell rang throughout the store, the clerk looked up, her blue inquisitive eyes making direct contact with the patron. Mr Warren whilst feeling unsteady, looked around the store. The wares had gathered a thick layer of dust and the trinkets lay in a miscellaneous mess. He trod further in, his leather boots creating a booming thump every time he took a step on the rugged carpet. He was only searching for one thing, and was a told that this store may have it. Although many have never disclosed what is required to trade, he had brought an extra bag of gold coins incase the trade were priced higher than he thought. He needed this item. He strolled, from aisle to aisle, thoroughly checking each shelf, until a slight glint caught his eye, he glanced up discreetly, seeing the sharp dagger held delicately upon a pedestal, he felt an urge to take it. No, he mustn't be deterred from his search.

the store was old, whilst life outside seemed to advance in leaps, it had a sense of serenity, a calmness that if indulged in too long, could turn suffocating. It was silent inside, something Mr. Warren hadn't noticed until he clearly heard the soft crinkling of paper. Life seemed to stop in here, as though the earth had fallen asleep and he were the last one awake. His nerves were racing yet he continued to search, his memories were the only thing driving him to continue. If he lost his memories he could only consider himself a lost soul within this store.

He continued at a slow pace until he found it, the dark wood pills. His whole being filled with hope as he picked the bottle off the shaking shelf, the small motion causing a small cloud to drift off. He then proceeded to the cash register, determined to pay any price to purchase these pills.

The clerks cheek rest lazily on the back of her hand, her black hair had rebellious strands cascading past her shoulder and pooled onto the glass top. Her blue eyes finally lifted from her black leather bound book to see the face of Mr. Warren. His face held lines of age, dark brown hair delicately peppered with grey and his brown eyes swirled with a feeling of impending doom, as though his very existence were on a time limit.

"Ah? the pills from the dark woods? are you sure?"

"I am willing to pay anything."

"Anything?" She confirmed, raising one dainty eyebrow.

He nodded, the determination set deep within his grey eyes. "Anything."

"Well then, tell me a secret."

"Really?" She gave him a look to continue, "well, word on the street is that-"

"Pardon me for being unclear. I don't seek secrets of others, I prefer to trade something of believability rather than rumours on the streets." She sighed.

"Ok... my secret huh... I had an affair... with my assistant." He replied rather hesitantly.

"Don't try to lie to me Mr Warren." A sinister glint within her eyes.

By now the man was frustrated, "I extinguished my company so I could keep the money!"

"It's not a secret Mr Warren," she repeated her eyes growing colder and posture impatient as she rested her head on her petite palm. "If everyone already knew."

"Then what secret is there to tell? You seem to know all of them already!"

The cashier seemed to take her time to think it over, as if she were rolling the question around on her tongue, testing how it would cause the man before her to react. A sly grin made it's way lazily onto her face. To others the smile would have been enchanting, able to stop a person immediately to admire the grace the simple expression exuded, however, to Mr Warren, his blood chilled until the sense of dread bore it's fangs into his bone. To him the smile meant more. To him it seemed as though she knew everything. As though she had everything controlled under a single finger.

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