Coma Patient

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Sun sets just as the moon rises. My eyes rest upon the beautiful scene, the crashing waves rising just above the bottom of the setting sun. I breathe a sigh of sadness as another day without Jamie passes. My best friend in the whole world fading by the day: her skin losing color, and every hope of life diminishing. I can't stop thinking that the whole thing is my fault, if it wasn't for me she would still be here with me. She would go to school with me: the movies, the park just to talk on the swings which creek when moved back and forth. She always brought a smile to my face, even when the reason was the dumbest thing she could think of.  

A tear slid down my face as I stared at the scene before me. Thoughts of Jamie flooded my mind causing my heart to ache in the most unimaginable pain. 'What am I going to do now? She's basically leaving me on my own and I don't want to live without her here. Maybe...' 

~Shut up, that thought will only hurt her you idiot. What if she woke up and you weren't here for her? What would she think of you? She might think you're weak or that you hated to see her so you left her to be alone. Do you really want that to happen?' 

'No, but what can I do right now, it's not like she can hear me?' 

~True but she needs you to be there for her when she wakes up. Do you think she wants to wake up without her best friend at her side? 

"Your right," I said non-mentally I smiled at nothing than started running to the hospital. I passed some stores trying to sell some overpriced candy to me. I shrugged them off and kept moving. I got to the hospital breathing heavily, barely able to stand. 

I took in a deep breath and thought to myself 'this is it, I can do it. Just go in and sit by her side. 

~go get her kid, your almost there. 

'Right got you,' 

Determined, I took another breath and walked to her room, not even bothering to stop by the reception desk. I did nod at the nurse working the desk at the moment though. She smiled and I kept going, not stopping until I reached her room. #157 second level, white doors, no curtains, with lots of books and flowers of all kinds.  

Without the intention to I began crying at the sight of her ashen white skin and dark circles around the eyes. 

I wiped them away then proceeded to the chair by her bed. My IPod was in my jacket so I took it out and turned to one of her favorite songs. If I die young by The Band Perry  

I took one headphone out and set it beside her ear in hopes she'd recognize the song and wake up. I saw her twitch and my sprits lifted. 'Oh my god, did you just see that? She just moved.' 

~you idiot don't just stand there turn it up and see if the reaction is the same. Trust me I want to see her awake as much as you do. Go on do it, and then we'll call the nurses. 

'Okay,' I turned it up just a little more and she twitched. A huge grin spread across my face as her eyes started to move open. Thank goddess I thought I'd lost her. I thought to myself still smiling. Her eyes opened and smiling at me she reached her hand out, eyes filled 

I smiled back then motioned the one second symbol. I left to find the nurse and the front desk. After I told her everything she called the doctor and we both walked back to the room. I told the nurse I had to call her dad; she nodded and motioned for me to hurry along. I nodded and set of down course call Jamie's dad. 

The phone rang once, twice, stop the answer machine picked up. I sighed but left them the massage. 

"Mr. Connors I just call to tell you that Jamie has woken up the doctors are with her at the moment. I'm sure she would love to see you. How are you handling things sir? I know it's rough but if you do come, please don't tell Jamie. I don't think she could be able to handle the stress and pain that comes with it, at the moment." With I hung up the phone, head against the wall fist clenched tight. 

I hadn't wanted to think about it but now that she is awake how was I going to tell her about brother Tristan? He was on his way her and crashed as an ambulance turned the corner without their sirens on. Her dad had it pretty rough. He'd lost his wife to the fire that burnt their first house. Then months later Jamie and I were riding bikes, when she got hit crossing the street while looking back at me. That hit her dad almost as bad as her mother's death and then add her brother's to the equation and you have one really emotionally drained father. He hasn't visited Jamie since the accident. He never smiles and I've tried everything imaginable to get him to see her and just smile at the fact that she is alive, but it doesn't work. Eventually I gave up. 

I pushed myself off the wall and slowly walked back to her room. When I got there she was sitting up with an IV attached to her arm. She looked up and smiled as me. It was weak and I could see she was confused about what was going on. I looked at the doctor and she just shook her head walking out of the room with the full intent for me to follow.  

I stopped behind her, shutting the door. 

"Okay what's wrong with her? She looks like she barely recognizes me." 

"That's...that's because she doesn't remember you. By the looks of it she may have lost some of her memory. I believe she only remember some of her childhood. And that some is a very small amount. I'm sorry but you're going to have to get reacquainted with her. Rebuild your relationship. I don't think she even remembers her family. I'm sorry Jace." 

"You mean almost all her memory has vanished?" 

"I'm afraid so."  

I nodded "Maybe I could slowly bring it back? Like talk to her give her pieces of her life back one day at a time. Does she remember any of her years of education?" 

"Yes, but only up until 5th grade the rest is just not there. You have to remember that she has been out for a little over 6 years." 

"I know," I stated softly my head down. If I wasn't depressed before she woke up, I am now. I thought grimly to myself. There is no way I cant do all this on my own. I'll enroll her in school when she gets out, and help her study but as for how I'll get her to let me is another thing. She thinks she has no family and has no idea why she is even here. What Should I do voice? 

~Hey I have a name you know

'Oh shut up. What do I do?  

~How should I know? I'm a part of you, so if you don't know then I don't know.  

'Good point, let's start with introducing ourselves. Well myself, I mean lets introduce... oh you know what I mean. Come on.' 

~Lead the way Captain Obvious. 

'Real smart, just shush and move it.

~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~ this is the first part of my first story. not really but it's the first one ive had multiple ideas for. NOW a very important question must be asked. Shouldi continue i guess what i mean is should i update it on here or just finish it for myself? you opinions please.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2011 ⏰

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