bbf | h.s

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Sucks i know but please bare with me.....

Welcome to my new book called "Brother's Best Friend" really cliche i know, but I don't think i'm the only one who likes these types of fanfics so i decided why not write my own? Anyways, i really hope you like my book, don't be shy vote and comment 🙂

stay safe and know that you are loved!!
all the love Sabrina!! You can also, message me if you have any problems or if you are bored. I love you ))))




"Just know that I am having guests over so please be as quiet as possible," my older brother said, emptying the bag of chips into the bowl. "Sure, not like I want to be around" I scoff, taking the bottle of beer from the fridge. I hate it when he does this. Every time he would have guests over he would lock me up in my room. How the hell am I supposed to get closer to Andrew if I'm in my room?

"Thank you" he snatched the bottle out of my hands, "you're not allowed to drink that" I simply roll my eyes.

"So yeah, stay in your room will you?"

"Yeah okay, but only on one condition", I begin, resting my hand on the countertop.

"I'm all ears"

"You order me a box of pizza and some sprite" I state.

"Done, now leave. Mike just parked his car and is now walking towards the door" he said, taking my hand and walking me to the stairs,
" go on" he pushed me a bit. I roll my eyes and say raising my hands in defeat, "I'm going chill"

"No sneaking out of the house!"

"pizza! " I yell, already at the top of the stairs.

"Sean!" Mike's voice was heard and the was my queue. I rushed to my room and locked the door, plopping down on my bed.

Sean, my brother who was only two years older than me, was throwing a little get together as he calls it. He did this every week when my parents were out of town. My dad owned a couple of gas stations and with that, he could afford to take my mom out every week, for a little date night. It was really romantic actually, he loved mom and treated her like a queen. Relationship goals if you ask me.

With me and Sean always around they couldn't get any alone time so every week they were out and Sean threw his little get-togethers... or parties if you ask me.

It was only eight p.m so I decided to watch some youtube then maybe take a shower.


After two hours of watching youtube, texting my best friends, eating pizza, and a little 20-minute workout I decided to take a shower. I got off my bed, opened my closet, found something two wear after my shower, and unlocked my door. Once I was in the hallway, I could hear laughing and some female voices which I really didn't bother interrogating because I was tired. Usually, I would try and find out who their bates were this time but I didn't bother this time.

Closing the bathroom door, I turn the hot water on and strip down. The locks were broken but I wasn't really worried because there was a bathroom downstairs. I hop in the shower, the hot water hitting my skin, actually burning really. But I guess I didn't mind it, kind of felt relaxing.

Once I was done, I grab my towel, wrap it around my body, and now brush my teeth. While I was brushing my teeth my mind drifted off to Andrew. He was my brother's friend who was really hot. He was 6'1 and had blonde hair, super hot. All the girls were crushing on him, well him and Nathan, and of course my brother, but the girls at school were more interested in Andrew.

Now I would be worried, but I knew Andrew, we were actually pretty chill and you could call us friends. Well, he calls us friends, I have a huge crush on him. He's just really hot and super-

"oh hello there " my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and a guy standing there.

"Please get out" I yell holding on to my towel just in case, because in these situations the towel always falls down, unless you don't read fanfictions then you probably don't know.

"Sorry" he blushed closing the door.

I quickly spit out the toothpaste and gargle some water before grabbing my stuff and rushing to my room. Clearly staying in the bathroom, that has a broken lock, wasn't a good idea.

Thankfully he wasn't in the hall when I came out of the bathroom, so I ran to my room and as soon as I was in it i locked the door.

Okay, now who the hell was that guy?


This chapter was basically the way they met; more like an prologue than a real chapter. I will be posting the first chapter soon !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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