Chapter 23

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"We've had to live quietly ever since you became involved in that shady business! and this is what I get in return! I just wanted one night! Just a night of happiness! And you managed to ruin that too!" he fumes yelling his eyes glossy.

"Jason, don't let us talk about this right now" I attempt to coax him

"What? Mom and dad can't even go out without having to worry about being kidnapped by your stupid enemies! Ivie has to school from home because all you care about is the mafia! We're all trying to stay under the radar because of you and this is how you repay us!"

"Jason!" I snap and he snaps even further.

"Shut up! Just shut up! don't fucking say my name! everyone here isn't living a normal life! No one is happy with their present lives but we just have to do it because we love you! Ivie can't hang out with her friends anymore!" he points to her and she looks away biting her lip but I can't help but wonder how true it is.

"Our family is in pain living within defined boundaries!"

Everyone has been living in fear because of me, living within a defined boundary. No outings with friends nothing. There's fear on their mind every time they go out.

"Heck! Javier is being home schooled!" He points at him his eyes red with anger

I didn't even know that, everyone is suffering because of me, my fault my mistake, my problem. It's being shared by the whole family now, even the innocent ones. I notice how unwanted I am as everyone's gaze falls on me.

"You're selfish! You're blinded by rage! You don't care about us! I even made sure the wedding was nothing too big despite how bad Nessa wanted a huge wedding! I couldn't give her that! And you know why? Because of you!" he points at me viciously his breathing heavy.

I hate you!" Jason tells me finally before grabbing Vanessa's hand and leading her towards the exit leaving the rest of us stunned.

"I...I... I'm going to leave," I tell the rest of my family making my way to the exit

"Davina!" my dad calls and I don't reply

"Vinnie! He's just angry!" My brother yells after me and I bite my lip hard running through the exit and into the night.

The sounds of sirens alert me and I make my way to the car where the driver is now dead. I search his pocket grabbing the keys and pulling him out of the car before getting into the driver's seat and starting the car.

I slam my foot on the accelerator and the car speeds up as the sounds of the sirens get closer. I make a stop at the beach, one of my favourite places to be, pinching my nose hard I keep chanting to myself 'Don't cry.'

I sit on the sad burying my hand into it as I stare into the dark breezy night.

You're selfish!

Blinded by rage!

You stole her life from her!

Your family is in pain!

We're living within defined boundaries!

I hate you! I hate you!

My hands dig into my hair and I scream at the top of my lungs letting out all the frustration. I kick the sand with my foot, standing I attack my car with my leg hitting, kicking and screaming before sliding down in front of the car burying my hands in my hair.

I won't fucking cry!

There's only one person to blame for this and that's Salvador. I'm going to make him pay, pulling out my phone I dial Alex telling him to track one of Salvador's shipments and wreck it.

He fucking messed with me again.

I'm ending all his bases in America. I stand up walking back into the car and the blood from the shootout leaves patches on my skin.

I glance at my phone, numerous missed calls from Ivie, Mom, dad and even Michael. I guess Jason is still mad.

I drive back to the house and call one of the drivers from the base to pick me up at the house.

I'm definitely leaving today.

I ring the doorbell to the house my mom opens the door, her eyes dark and her cheeks stained with tears.

"Donde has estado todos han probado tu telefono?" (Where have you been everyone has tried your phone?)

"I'm not a baby," I roll my eyes walking inside

"Que quieres decir con que estabamos preocupados?" (What do you mean, we were worried!)

"You should have thought about that and cautioned Jason when he was insulting me." I walk past her and my dad is seated in the living room.


I ignore him heading for my room and slamming the door. I remove my clothes from the closet stuffing them into my suitcase and zip it up as soon as my door opens. Ivie pops her head in.

"What are you doing?" her eyes widen and she opens the door wider

"Going home," I inform her

"But it's eleven..."

"It doesn't matter," I shrug walking past her, dragging my suitcase along with the blood still sticking to my body. Now's not the time to worry about that, I can wash it off on the jet.

"Vinnie!" Ivie calls out

My mom and dad stand up when I descend the stairs with my suitcase.

"Davina, where are you going?" my dad asks

"Home, I'm done here, I've attended the wedding."

"You know he didn't mean it," my mom adds

"I know, he's just trying to be the perfect husband in front of his wife," I roll my eyes attempting to be sarcastic

"And I'm flying you guys out as soon as possible so you guys should get packing, Ivie can have her classes sped up, or I can speak to the head of her department so she can take her exams early. I want to move you guys within the next two weeks. It's not safe here anymore."

"No estamos listos tovadia! Y no puedes dejar de ser casi la medianoche!" Mom adds (We aren't ready yet! And you can't just leave it's almost midnight!)

"Yo puedo," I state calmly (I can)

"Davina, Jason spoke out of anger." my dad states

"I know and so can I,"

"See you guys in America," I tell them walking out

"Davina! Don't do this! Just wait till tomorrow!" Mom screams after me and I ignore her

The driver pulls in front of the house right on time and I get in heading for the airport.

Ivie did not attempt to reach out to me or stop me from leaving, my guess is she's just as mad as Jason.

I enter the jet giving strict instructions to the driver to tell the mafia to lay low and ensure there is surveillance on my parent's house although I highly doubt Salvador would attack twice. 

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