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⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING! Abuse is mentioned. Abuse is not okay in no way shape or form, this is not to justify abuse in any way. If you are being abused in any way, or know someone who shows signs of being abused, please call someone for help. There are many ways to report abuse. I do not know any help line numbers because everywhere is different so please look up a helpline number.⚠️⚠️


Yoongi POV

Y/n... A year younger than me, gorgeous hair, her eyes sparkle like the stars. Her smile is always so bright. She's not too athletic but can still kick some ass when she does play sports. If she plays videos games with me, she carries the whole damn team. She has her headphones in at family events to avoid family but they always find away to interrupt her peace. I don't really talk to her, though. I'm the same way at family events. I put my earbuds in and avoid family conversations. When I'm around her though, I take out my earbuds but of course she keeps hers in. Tonight though, it will be different. I'm staying the night at her house. Recently her boyfriend cheated on her and she didn't want to be alone in case he comes by. When she found out about him cheating and confronted him, he got abusive. I figured she trusted me because she ran to my house, crying and shaking. She told me what happened and I wanted to blow him up. Bad, I know but I love her more than a cousin and I don't want her hurt. She clearly knows nothing about my love for her. Tonight is the night I confess. I know she doesn't feel the same way but I've been hiding my feelings for years and it's killing me.

*time skip to later that night*

Y/n *knocks on door*


*knocks again*


Y/n, I know you're home your car is here. Please open the door.

*opens door* Dude, I heard you. I was in the attic. Throwing things into the bonfire out back.

You couldn't have waited for me?! Aishh how rude. *pouts*

I'M supposed to be the baby? Meanwhile you are over here acting like a toddler who's parents started watching the fucking Disney movie without them.

Shut up. You are the baby.

Maybe in age but not in actions or mentality.

Bullshit. You are such a little.

Yah! I am not!

Proof right there.

*car pulls up* Y/n?

Shit! I'm going to go hide. Please don't do any thing stupid.

We're from Daegu Y/n. Anything I do will be quote on quote offensive.

Just because we're from Daegu it doesn't justify your actions. K seriously I got to go.

Y/n! I know you're in there! If you're in there with a guy I will kill you!

I'm sorry but aren't you the one who cheated on my baby cousin?!

Get out of my way! If I have to I'll kill you and Y/n!

With what? Your bare hands? The pocket knife?

No. This. *pulls out gun*

Looks like a toy to me.

Do you not know who I am?

Kim Taehyung. Mafia UNDERBOSS of Seoul's biggest Mafia. How would you feel if I don't your superior that you are threatening a female, knowing that your  boss, Jeon Jeongguk, is highly against harming women and children?

My perverted cousin (Yoongi x Reader) Where stories live. Discover now