Chapter 1

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Chapter inspiration

-Daniel's pov-

"No, please!" My mother cried as The Boogeyman stabbed my stepdad.
"Shut it or he dies!" She pointed at me. I sat in the corner terrified as The Boogeyman steps closer to hmt mother then whispers in her ear,
"Are you afraid of The Boogeyman?" My mother inhaled and shook her head. The Boogeyman stood up and smiled as she transformed into my mother's biggest fear, me as a zombie, and then said in my voice.
"Are you afraid of The Boogeyman now?" My mother nodded and backed against the bed.
"Please just dont hurt my Danny" she pleaded.
The Boogeyman smiled,
"Do you want to live" she asked as she transformed back.
"You should've thought about that back in the summer of 2007 when you stabbed your friend in the woods and dumped her body in that ditch"
"H-how do you know a-about th-that?" She stuttered.
"I have my ways," The Boogeyman said as she stabbed my mother in the forehead and left.

-elsewhere-nobody's pov-

Cerys couldn't sleep so she made her way downstairs silently with her phone in her hand. Zelda her dog followed her and wagged her tail. The microwave went off a little while later signaling that the pizza rolls were done. She carried them back to her room and watched some YouTube on her phone. 7 AM. She stood up and stretched then went into her bathroom. The shower noise was louder than expected but she stepped in and relaxed once the water hit her bare back. She rinsed her hair and was about to step out when she heard the door open. A female voice giggled and she heard the clatter of the towel rack falling off the door and onto the floor.
"I know you're in the shower....." she whispered.  quickly grabbed her pajamas and slipped them on then grabbed ahold of the curtain and ripped it open.
"Aha!" She smiled and held her knife.
"I'm not scared" she stood between her and the door. She slipped her phone back into her pocket and grabbed her baseball bat.
"You think you're gonna win?" She questioned.
"I'm pretty confident. So who are you?"
"Well, whatever you want me to be," she winked at her.
"I mean what's your name? The Boogeyman?" "Yeah, pretty much. I was hiding under your bed so it fits"
"Not creepy at all" she said sarcastically as she prepared to swing when she stepped closer.
"I like you so I'm going to spare you,"
"Aww, killer gone soft"
She smiled "no but I do need a partner, what do you say?"
"Nope" she took a step back and tightened her grip on the bat.
"Fine then" she tackled her and knocked her out.


Cerys stirred and glanced around.
"Why am I tied up?" She whispered.
"I needed you to stay still." The Boogeyman responded.
"Why me?"
"I like you blossom," she said obviously talking about her pink hair.
"Okay, and?"
"I want you as my partner Cerys and thats what you're going to be, whether you like it or not." She smiled.
After a bit of negotiating
"Fine, I will help you but, you keep a few people alive."
"Deal'' she shook her hand and untied her.
"My name is Natalie"
"My name is Cerys but you already know that"

-the guy who harasses Cerys at school's house-

Cerys shut the door behind her and looked at the guy and then at Natalie. She smiled then pulled her knife out and stepped closer.
"I ready called the police they're-" she kicked the guy in the face then stabbed him in the stomach. Natalie write something on the wall as Paige went to their escape car.
"Drive" Natalie said as she hopped in the car.

-At Home-

The TV was on a random news station. "Zachary William's was found stabbed in his home. On the walls written in his own blood were the words 'dont mess with my blossom' we have no idea who 'blossom' is but we hope they are safe from the crazed killer." Cerys was shocked.
"You want pizza?"

-After dinner-

"So am I living with you now?" Cerys asked.
"If you dont, the police will find you s-" 
"What the fuck?!" Natalie yelled.
Somebody fell after the window slammed open.
Cerys ran and grabbed her knife then jumped out the window and tackled the guy.
"Dan?!"  He nodded then smiled and flipped her over.
"I missed you...." he said with a drunk smile.
She remembered when he started drinking while she was still dating him.
"Fuck off Dan,"
He dragged her by the leg through the woods. 


A/N what do you think so far? I'll try to update frequently because this is going to be a longer story hope you liked it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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