with out you

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With out the Sun her skin wont glow

With out the Sun the eyes won't sparkle

With out the Sun life won't grow

And with out you she won't be living

Because with out you

She can't see the Sun

Because with out you

She can't love again

Because with out you

She will have a empty hole in her heart

Because with out you

She will be grieving her broken life.

Today she saw you for the last time

Today she cried

Because today she saw the love of her life

Being buried because he took his life

-This is special dedicated to everyone who's thinking in committing suicide. Never forget that you have someone in this world who is your other half and that person will love you unconditionally. If you ever need something I'm here. Talk to me, maybe that's all you need someone to talk to and I'm free to help you because that would help me to even if you won't realise it.

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