For Keeps

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Today was my last day in Texas and the last day I would see Jason for a whole summer. This was the best summer of my life. I could forget about drama, friendship issues, popularity, and everything else a typical  teenage girl would face.

“Emma, hurry up I don’t wanna wait in line!” Jason hollered, his voice echoing upstairs.

“I’m coming!” I screeched back.

I looked into the mirror. My blue eyes matched perfectly with my sky blue sweatshirt, which I loved though I hated almost everything about me; my shoulders were far to wide, my hair to short, and my skin was a mess. I honestly don’t understand why Jason picked me when he could easily get a preppy high school cheerleader. 

“Are you coming or not?” Jason exclaimed barging into my room.

“Yeah, I’m coming.” I slowly answered giving him a fake smile. 

He cam at me and swung me over his shoulder. “Put me down!” I giggled slapping his back.

“Make me!” He teased sticking out his tongue.

I rolled my eyes at him. “I know I can’t, so... I’m not gonna try.” I mumbled. 

He slowly put me down. I looked up at him, his brown eyes stared blankly back. Leaning towards me, he whispered, “I think I’m in love with you.”


This was going to be the worst summer ever. When my Mom told me we were going to Texas I was devastated. Kristin, Katherine, and Andy asked me to go to a Mumford and Sons concert before the summer ends. That's obviously not happening...

“Emma, do you have all of your bags in the car?” Asked my mom from the kitchen. 

“Yeah... but, do I have to go? Andy even said I could stay with her while your in Texas!” I whined, pleading to my mother if I could stay. 

“You’ll have fun! I promise!” She said giving me a look. My heart sunk, that could be true... or a complete lie. It was my mother after all...

Seriously, when you’re in the car for five and a half hours you get paranoid. I was about to lose it. Listening to Adele for this long was not my favorite pastime at all. I rather listen to Justin Bieber. 

“Can we please put something else on the radio?!” I asked pulling out my hair and getting to a more confortable spot in the car.

“Fine...” My mom sighed.

“THANK YOU!” I praised trying to hold back my excitement.

I slipped in my favorite CD by One Direction. Oh. My. God. They’re just so amazing. 

“YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL! THATS WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL OH WA OH YOU DON’T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!” I screamed, my voice cracking. I was such an amazing singer.. Not. 

I saw the sign for Oklahoma and we were almost to Texas. Just three and a half hours left of this horrid car ride. Mom said that Aunt Sherry had a friend that has a son just about my age. Hopefully he’s nice so I don’t have to spend my whole summer being a loner. Wow, I need to stop worrying about this whole summer thing. I’ll have fun, I know it. Maybe. 


“Hey, um... you might wanna wake up... um, the breakfast is downstairs and I don’t think everyones gonna wait for you.” A soft southern accent trickled in my ear.

I shook myself awake, although I didn't want to get up. I pulled the covers up to my noes to keep in the warmth, but my bed sunk. “What? How long have I been sleeping?! Where am I?” I asked sitting up way to fast almost making me dizzy,

“At your Aunt Sherry’s house. I’m Jason by the way.” He looked at me giving a quirky side ways smile, then got up off of my bed. 

“Oh hi. I’m Emma.” I said fixing my hair. I haven’t showered for at least  a day now so I probably looked gross.   

“I’ve heard. I’ll let you get cleaned up.” He chuckled and ran down the stairs.

“Right.” I mumbled running into my own room bathroom.

Oh my god, I just made a total fool of myself in front of him. Great start to the summer ay? Yeah... no. I looked into the mirror sternly. My face was all white washed and covered with small pimples, and my hair stuck out every which way making me look like a crazy lion.

“Ew, I look horrible..” I whispered quickly brushing my hair. 

After I looked enough presentable, I ran downstairs, my feet pounding hard against the hardwood steps. The smell of bacon and a waffles drifted through the downstairs. My mouth started watering at the delicious smell of the aroma.

“Hungry?” Asked Jason appearing around the corner. 

“Very hungry.” I answered hearing my stomach growl.

I sat at the table, and everyone was silent and quickly eating their food. I looked down at my plate which happened to have two waffles over flowing with syrup, and four strips of bacon that sat at the edge of my plate. I cut my waffles carefully and made sure they were cut small so I didn’t look like a pig when I ate. 

“So whats the plan for today?” Questioned Aunt Sherry looking at Jason and I. 

“Uhh-" What was I going to do today?

“I was planning on taking Emma down to the lake so we could go swimming and meet some of my friends.” Jason interrupted giving me a wink.

“If thats okay with Emma thats fine with me.” Chipped in Mom from the other side of the table.

Nodding, “Um, sure thats fine with me.” I said my smile growing wide.

“I’ll meet you down at the lake in ten minutes!” He said running outside. 

I sprinted upstairs and ran into the bedroom I was staying in. I flipped open my suitcase and tried to decide which bikini I was going to wear. 

“Either the Hollister one with birds that matched my eyes or yellow and pink poki dots.” I muttered to myself. I quickly decided on the Hollister one. I grabbed a towel from the guest bedroom and wrapped it around me. 

I ran outside and the morning air felt cold but felt good considering it felt like 100 degrees inside. I remember mom telling me that the lake was infested with leeches. For anyone that knows me I HATE leeches and blood. Oh well, I was just going to have to deal with it. Peering over to the lake I saw Jason and two other guys waiting. I walked over. 

“Look who decided to show up!” Jason sarcastically hollered. I rolled my eyes and smirked. 

“Very funny, very funny.” I mumbled. 

Jason looked over at his friend who was pacing back and forth and talking on the phone. 

“But, Jason has his girlfriend at the lake! You should come to!” He begged. Woah, wait girlfriend? Who was Jason’s girlfriend? We’re not dating and I’m the only girl here. 

“Wait hahaha girlfriend? What is he talking about?” I asked Jason, giving him a glare. 

“Well, psh funny story I told him we we’re dating so it would be less awkward when his girlfriend and him hangout with us.” He whispered giving me puppy eyes. 

“Oh, okay..” I smiled like it was nothing.

“Sorry about that, was on the phone with my girl. She’s coming!” He looked at Jason and gave a quick up and down glance at me. 

“Its fine bro. Emma this is Austin, Austin this is Emma.” Said Jason shuffling his feet. 

“Nice to meet you.” I said shaking his hand.  Austin shook my hand virtuously and I quickly pulled away.   

“Well, now that you guys know each other... who wants to go swimming?!” Yelled Jason, jumping up and down like a little kid. This was going to interesting; I was here with a hot guy, and we're going swimming... with leech infested water...

Thanks for reading this I will upload it more when I have the time :) Comment down below to give me ideas <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2012 ⏰

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