True news can make a good diference

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Since the beginning of the year the world is facing a problem that is changing the course of global history: Coronavirus. But along with that situation there is another issue very lamentable: fake news. It is very important for society to be well informed at a time of pandemic like this. When it does not happen tragedies can reach the population. 

However many people are busy producing fake news. I have been researching a little bit about that subject and found some informations related to it. I guess many people want to know who are they that start these rumors. So, fake news can start for many reasons. Then I will mention some examples. Some jokers create funny posts like memes online spreading misinformation. Politicians can spread fake news because of their own interests. There are many messages assuring that some natural medications can prevent anyone of being infected by Coronavirus. These messages shared through social media may have been written by who believe on it. But anyway we should pay attention and take some cares for we not be deceived. 

I believe that a portion of the population have no intention of spreading fake news and sometimes they do that because they are also being deceived. Although indeed there are bad people in society who do not care if they are disserving others. And I think that spreading fake news about Coronavirus may be worse than doing it about other issues. I know that these rumors are a bad thing for to do anyway but if they are related to such a serious situation as a pandemic they may affect many people in a very negative way.

So, I want to defend the idea that every one is responsible for keep a well informed society. I know that is not easy checking if each information that we acces or receive are true. But we must have do that. And when I want to know about something I used to access trusty web sites.

Then, in so many times many of us think about being better humans. However maybe we do not think that an attitude like not spreading fake news especially of subjects related to the pandemic can contribute to that process. Because if we stop and reflect we can see that just one person who accessed false information saying that some medication can heal us of that virus (for example) and it is not true, that person can get sick for have taken that medication. 

Let us spread truth because truth can make good things happen!

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