Chapter 1

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It started out so well... but turned out so wrong...

Fox McCloud and his team were out saving the Lylat System once again from Andross and his cronies, but they weren't alone. StarWolf had broken off from the Andross Empire and had seen the light of day... except for Oikenney though.

This was supposed to be the final confrontation between the forces of good and evil... what went completely wrong?

Fox and Wolf O'Donnell downed fighter after fighter, leading the Cornarian Cruisers to attack Andross' fleet.  But then it was over in a flash. To Fox it was an instant bit to everyone else, this was painful and excruciating for him. Here's how it went...

Andross walked down to the bridge of his Flagship.

"Admiral Simeon... is the core ready?" said Andross as he looked at the planet he called "Andross Planet 223". The planet's real name was Papetoon. Homeworld of Fox McCloud. 

"Yes my lord. But are you sure one planet is all that it takes for a small fleet like this?" asked the Admiral. "The planet is lost... the failsafe I installed will ensure the downfall of StarFox for good..." answered Andross.

"Sire... you don't mean..." stuttered Simeon. "Yes. Prepare for warp jump to Planet Venom." said Andross. 

"Yes my lord" said the Admiral and the crew went to work.

On a Cornerian Battleship, Krystal was overseeing the battle. With her telepathic powers, she mentally aided Fox as they went through numberless enemy squadrons. Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the enemy retreat. Wondering what Andross was planning, she searched the enemy's mind. She nearly had a heart attack from what came next. The plan was to destroy Papetoon, and take Fox and his crew with it. She had to hurry. As she sprinted by officers, some she bumped into, she forced her way into the bridge. She told the captain to let her talk to Fox, but he denied her request given that in the army, she's a First Lieutenant. She then slammed her StarFox badge onto the table, showing her rank as Major. She outranked the Captain by a mile in Fox's league, and Fox was a Commander. He granted her wish and she fiddled with the communicator.

"Fox! You have to pull out! It's a trap!!" She yelled. "Where? I don't see anything!" replied Fox. She could tell that in the arwing, Fox was looking around. Slippy then chimed in. 

"I'm detecting a massive power buildup from the planet's core! What's going on?!" he said frightfully. Wolf growled into his communicator, knowing what Andross was doing. "The damn fool's gonna blow up the planet! All forces! Pull back! NOW!!" He snarled as he gunned his engines away. 

Krystal tossed the communicator to the captain and told him to tell the fleet to pull back, away from Papetoon and back to Cornaria. She sprinted away to her Arwing and flew to the Great Fox mothership. 

"Fox! Hurry! That planet's gonna become an asteroid field if we don't scram!" Said Falco as he flew away. Fox was stunned. He couldn't move. He could only stare at what his home planet was to become. Cracks formed on the planet, he knew lava was going to kill everyone who didn't evacuate. When he came too, he gunned the engine away from his former homeworld and to the Great Fox. As he flew away, the GDiffuser was starting to give out. Even giving it full throttle, he wasn't going to make it.

"Fox! Your GDiffuser is giving out! What's wrong?" Asked Peppy, the General of the CDF (Cornerian Defense Fleet). "Nothings wrong! Just tryna... keep it together!" strained Fox as he tried to keep the engine from giving out. 

Krystal ran into the bridge, nearly colliding into Colonel Bill Grey, Fox's best friend in the process. She darted to the controls where ROB 64, the only robot in StarFox flew the ship. 

"Rob! Get the tractorbeam ready to retrieve Fox!" She yelled frantically. "We cannot. The tractorbeam is offline" answered ROB monotonously. Krystal screamed in rage. Her husband was out there and he was going to die. She didn't want him to die. Fate played a dangerous game with Fox and it won. 

Fox knew death was his only way out. He looked up seeing if his father could see him. He closed his eyes and tears fell. "This is all my fault... I'm so sorry... everyone... please... please forgive me..." he said as tears choked him. Over the comms, Krystal was trying to make a plan to get Fox out of this mess. But Fox knew it wouldn't work... because he'd be dead before that. He turned off the comms and for the first time in his life, Fox experienced true despair and loss. He failed. And in a bright orange and yellow light... he was dead.

Krystal looked out in space in horror. She cried out his name and then there was silence... the atmosphere became dense for her... she collapsed in a chair while tears stroked her muzzle. Her bottom lip quivered. Just then... a transmission came in from Andross, breaking the silence...

"Oops! Did I just blow it up? HAHAHAHAAAAA!!" he cackled.

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