Chapter 1

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A loud slap rings out across the room as a silence follows close behind. Small feet stagger backwards till they can go that way no longer, hitting a wall with a soft thud.
"You've never done anything right! You're a useless,"
A pair of bigger feet take a step forward.
Another step.
They step right in-front of the smaller pair.
The voice hisses the last words out as it's body towers over the recipient.
From outside that rooms door, if you listened closely, you'd hear a small child yell out in pain. Nobody ever listened to hear it in the end.

11 years later

"Why aren't you excited?!"
A loud and chipper voice echoes across the classroom, some turn heads towards it, most ignore it.
"Why should we be excited exactly?"
A more reserved voice speaks up in response.
"Becaaaauuuse! The first day to send in applications to UA are tomorrow!"
The chipper voiced person swings herself in-front if the other, grabbing hold of their arms. The other groans in response.
"Etsuko, this is all you've been talking about for the past month.. do you ever shut up?"
Etsuko giggles and lets the other go.
"I just can't help but be excited, Sayo! It's been my dream to go there since like... well like this year... but still! It's my dream!"
Sayo crosses her arms and turns to walk away as Etsuko continues on talking. She walks away hoping Etsuko won't follow, but the girl isn't one to be quiet easily, so she follows Sayo while still babbling on. Once out of the classroom Sayo stops suddenly and turns to Etsuko.
She began.
"Just cause Riko was friends with both of us doesn't mean we're friends,"
Sayo turns towards Etsuko.
"..or does that small brain of yours fail to understand that too?"
Sayo speaks each word laced with spice as she glares up at the taller girl. Etsuko only stands there, finally in silence.
"I uh- oh yeah.. right. Sorry."
Etsuko speaks softly as she looks to the ground. Sayo takes the answer as her que to leave and walks away from a sulking Etsuko.

"Okay. First name.. Etsuko. Last name.."
Etsuko pauses for a quick moment.
She writes her name down on the application form, solidifying who she is in the eyes of UA. Finishing the application, Etsuko opens her window and jumps onto the fire escape. Climbing down from her third story apartment, she takes a deep breath of the cool evening air. The evening was her favorite time of the day, always cooler than the bright day and always made the sky and world around it so much prettier. Jumping from the final step of the fire escape, Etsuko sets off on her journey to the post office. On her walk she skips around from curb to curb, jumping in any puddle she sees. As the evening dims into night her journey ends up back where it started, the fire escape. She climbs back into her room like she never left, her parents hadn't noticed either, not like they ever noticed her though.

As the months go by, Etsuko goes out each night secretly and trains herself.
"The entrance exam.."
She punches her fist into the tree.
"is in.."
She jumps backwards.
She swings her leg out.
Etsuko takes a step backwards and falls onto the ground, gasping for breath.
"One month."
She jumps back up again with a smile.
"And I'm gonna get in!"

"Where are you going?"
A loud, feminine voice booms from behind Etsuko making her freeze in place. She slowly turns to face the taller woman.
"Um.. out?"
The taller woman glares downwards.
Etsuko stammers and fumbles with words.
"Spit it out, you know I hate it when you fucking mumble like that."
The taller woman takes a step closer to Etsuko and in instinct, Etsuko takes one back.
"Just out with friends..."
"You have none. Don't lie to your mother like that, don't you care about how that makes me feel?"
"Of.. of course I do! But I'm not lying, I'm going with my friends to send in applications for high school."
Etsuko pauses, looking at the floor.
"They invited me."
All of that was a lie, but to Etsuko's surprise her mother bought it. Exiting from the front door of the apartment she ran as fast as her legs could take her towards the train station.
"Can't be late to this, oooh god hope I'm not.."
She jumps in place waiting for the bullet train to arrive. As it does she steps on and sees some other kids who look her age on there. She eyes them for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking over to them. The moment before she overheard one of them mention where Etsuko was off to as well. She figured it's best to make friends early, than deal with what she did in middle school all over again. She approached the two and asked,
"Are you guys headed to UA too?"
The two take notice of Etsuko and respond pleasantly. They mustn't be from her home town, considering how nice they seem.
"Yeah! You going for the entrance exam to the hero course?"
Of the two the female responded, her pink skin and hair made her stick out against her friend next to her. The boy next to her had long black hair that swept over his eyes, he seemed to not be as open to talking as the other.
Etsuko agreed as she sat down next to the girl. The three spoke all the way to UA yet once going their separate ways realized they never got the others name.

The opening ceremony to the exam was told by a pro hero who Etsuko didn't recognize.
"He must be underground? Or maybe I'm just out of the hero loop..?"
She mumbles to herself. The ceremony continues smoothly until a blue haired boy yells out. He calls out the paper each child holds and then this other kid for mumbling a bit too loud. Etsuko giggles at the guys comments to herself, others around her whisper remarks to their peers and laugh too. Nevertheless the Pro continues his speech and closes it soon after. All the children stand and move their ways to the practical exam fields. Etsuko stares up at the tall walls of the field.
"Field G... huh? How many other fields are there?"
She questions to herself. Someone responds though.
"I assume down to Z."
Etsuko jumps at the sudden voice looking for its body. She looks down and to her left to see a short female staring at the wall just like her.
"O-oh.. you think so?"
"Mhm! Only an assumption though. There's A through Z classes for one year so it's fair enough to assume they'd need a lot of fields for each class."
Etsuko stares at the shorter girl with widened eyes. Eventually the girl takes notice and looks back up at Etsuko.
"What? Do I look scary or something?"
Etsuko looks away, embarrassed.
"No! I'm just... just nervous."
"Hah, yeah understandable."
The girl chuckles and looks ahead once again. Etsuko follows suit.
"Well, lets both hope to see each other in class, okay?"
Etsuko attempts to reassure herself and the other girl, which leads to the other nodding in agreement.
"Don't just stand there, get going!"
A loud voice yells out to the examines, beginning the practical part of the exam.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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