We Belong Together

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"Hey" Marco said

"Hi" Star Replied

As the two teens were looking at each other they started to lean forward until their lips met, after a few seconds they pulled apart with tears in their eyes.

"I thought I will never see you again" said Star

"I told you that with or without magic, we belong together" Marco said as he brought her for a hug

They broke the hug and looked around them with awe

"Did... did we created all of this" he asked

"I think w...we did" she replied

"WAIT!!! what happened to my house my friends MY FAMILY!!!!!" he panicked

"Marco calm down they are probably okay but how will we find them?" she thought

"Maybe I can help" a familiar voice spoke

"AH!!!" they both screamed


"How did they let you go?!" Marco asked

"Who said they let me go?" Janna said with a little smile

"JANNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Star screamed and ran to hug her

"Sta.." Janna got cut of by star tackling her to the ground

"How did you find us?" Marco asked

"I am pretty sure you don't want to know Diaz" Janna said with a smirk

Marco didn't reply

"So you said you could help us?" Star asked

"Yep" Janna said

"How?" Marco asked

"Well I can help you find your house, but I don't know about your family" Janna said

"Wait I can call them" Marco said as he dialed

They pick up

"Mom dad are you okay?! is mariposa okay?!! where are you?!!! are you safe?!!!!" Marco panicked

"Marco calm down, we are alright, and we found someone that helped us" Angie said

"Who?" Marco asked

"We found Star's parents, tell star they are fine, we are at the... what is this place called again!!? right, The Monster Temple so if you can, come here, alright?" Angie asked

"Yeah, bye mom" Marco said

"Alright, we need to go to the monster temple my parents and Star's are there" Marco said as they started walking

As they walked Star grabbed Marco's hand and leaned her head on his shoulder, Marco blushed a little and smiled.

Janna watched them walk hand in hand, 'its about time' she thought to herself with a little smile on her face

They got to the monster temple and went inside they saw Eclipsa, Globgor, Meteora, Moon, Rivar, Angie, Rafael and Mariposa

Marco and star immediately ran to their parents and hugged them

"I am so happy your okay" Moon said with tears

"But... what happened when you jumped down the well?" Moon asked

"When I jumped down, the earth well was already closed, but then I saw that Marco was still there" Star explained

"yeah I also jumped down because I was about to lose the love of my life" Marco said

When Marco finished talking Moon's mouth was open in shock, she knew that Marco loved Star but she didn't know he was ready to leave everyone he knew only for her.

"So mom, how is everyone doing? because I don't know if humans will really like monsters, they are not used to them or magic" Star said

"Well first of all we need to get it clear that monsters mean no harm" Moon said

"Everything we worked on with the mewmans and monsters, I'm afraid we need to do that again"

"But for now you two go home and rest, you had a rouge day" Eclipsa told them

"Wait, mom dad aren't you coming" Marco asked his parents

"Oh we already been there, but our room is destroyed so we will be staying here" Rafael said

"Alright, have fun you two" Angie said

"But not too much fun" Moon said smirking

"But... in case you do, use protection" Eclipsa said

Star and Marco blushed and looked away, they went out of the monster temple following Janna to Marco's house

"Here we are" Janna said standing in front of the house

"Alright, I'm gonna go home, and remember what Eclipsa said" Janna said with a little giggle

"Shut it Janna!" they both said while blushing

They enter the house

"Finally, home sweet home" Marco said

"Marco, how about you go and make us some nachos and we will do a movie night!" Star said

"That's a great idea Star, I will go make the nachos and you pick the movie"

They picked a movie a started watching it

Slowly the evening came and Star was really tired and fell asleep

Marco noticed she was asleep so he decided pick her up bridal style and carry her to her bed, he put her down and was about to leave but then she grabbed his arm

"Don't go" Star said

"You want me to sleep here with you" he asked and she slowly nodded

He laid down next to her and she snuggled into his chest

"Goodnight Marco" Star said

"Goodnight princess" Marco replied

They soon fell asleep

We Belong Together| SVTFOE SEASON 5Where stories live. Discover now