Chapter 1

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The glass in the windows shatters, and light pools in through the cracks. Coming to, Laine quickly realizes the quick drive home has become fatal. She looks over at the driver's side and becomes disoriented. Where is he? Is this real? The throbbing in my head and intense, burning pain in her arm remind her that this is reality. I can feel the blood pulsating, pounding through my head. My arm feels wet and I look down to see only red. This is a reality I do not want to exist in.
"He has to be okay," i hear a voice shakily repeating. The voice is familiar, and i realize it's my own voice. The car is flipped upside down, and I need to get out. If I can get myself out of the car, I can find him. He's probably gotten out to help the people from the other car. Why would he not help me first though? He must have known I would be okay. He knows I am strong. I struggle to get the seat belt undone before I hear the familiar sound of sirens blasting through my ears.
My headache intensified as the sirens get closer. Everything turns red, then orange, then white in the cyclic fashion of the ambulance. I hear men yelling, "We have three victims."
"I've got the guy." Good. That must be Luca. He's going to be fine.
As the overwhelming peace washes over me like a wave, my vision goes black.
Unfamiliarity awakens me. My eyes crack open as far as they can, but they feel swollen. The room is cold and white. It smells of Clorox so strong that it almost burns my throat. I look around as best as I can and see my mother and father. Mother is lying on my father's chest, their hands clasped together tightly. They have red puffy eyes, and deep blue and purple circles outline the bottom of the eyes.
"Mom?" I mange to whisper. My voice is barely audible, like I am just waking up from a deep sleep. I try to cough and clear my throat, but I'm acutely aware of the pain in my left rib. Wincing and screwing my eyes shut, both my parents are on their feet and at my bed by the time I crack open both of my eyes again.
"Oh Lainey! We thought we lost you," my mother begins but her voice cracks at the very end. I note my dad squeezing her hand. He has tears pooling in his eyes, threatening to fall down his red cheeks.
I try to speak again. I have to know what happened. Where is Luca? My memories are fuzzy, but I cannot remember the last time I have seen him. I remember the panic that struck me to the core when I saw the empty drivers seat. "Where... is...he?" I croak out. My throat becomes sore from straining.
Both my parents look down. My mother lets out a sound best described as a cry. It sounds like a wounded animal. And I know. Deep inside, I know what happened; I know he's gone. But I have to hear the words.
"Lainey the crash was just so bad. It was raining... he's gone sweetie." My dad tries to keep his voice strong. My mother is weeping. Her entire body shaking. They both watch me intently, waiting for my reaction. My head feels foggy. I am no longer aware of the pain from my injuries. It's as if the air in room is gone. I've forgotten how to breathe. He was my oxygen, my source of life. He's gone.
Suddenly, I can see myself in the bed. I'm gasping for air and clutching my chest. Tears pour out of my already swollen eyes as they shut. And I watch as my parents panic. My mom crawls into my bed with me to hold me, and my dad runs to the hall to yell for a nurse.
Quickly, a nurse runs in. She's holding a syringe of something. She looks young and competent. Her face is serious, and I can tell she doesn't take shit from anyone.
"Baby this is going help," she states firmly as she pushes whatever the medicine is into the only IV line I haven't pulled out. I watch as my body goes limp as I relax, eyes closed. The blissful feeling of carelessness overwhelms all emotions and senses, and the darkness closes everything out.

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