Prologue-Beyond the Doors

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I've always hated running. Now, sprinting from a parking garage to the arena where my high school graduation was being held in heels and the stupid outfit someone, somewhere decided would be good for ceremonies, I hated running even more. Didn't matter that my best friend was at my side, barely pulling ahead with that shit-eating grin on her face as she looked back holding her hat to her head like her life depended on it. Leave it to us to be late to our high school graduation. Leave it to me to end up sprawled out on the stairs, ready to give in to defeat, and leave it to her to pull me up and drag me through the double doors that would very soon lead us to the next portion of our lives (metaphorically, at least).

Watching her walk across, head held high, gown billowing around her, I'd never felt prouder. Of her, of us; of how the hell we managed to get everything done among identity crises, school night sleepovers, drive-in movies, and coffee runs. She winked at me from the stage, somehow knowing exactly where I was in the sea of students dressed exactly like us. Soon enough she was by my side once more, pulling the tassel from one side to the other. We jumped and hugged and laughed, not caring that the principal still had half an agonizing speech to go.

My best friend and I were officially high school graduates. 

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