He called me what?

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This is bullshit. I rolled my eyes as I watched the screen which projected the film hairspray, most of the girls in class were singing along to you 'can't stop the beat!' while the guys groaned not wanting to endure their voices, not that I blamed them we didn't exactly have a class of Whitney Houston's, they were more Cher Cole Live. Too far? Yeah maybe too far. Don't get me wrong it's a brilliant film about the equalisation between the races however the main character Tracey- she was a plus size girl and Link the main boy there had happened to fall In love with her. I almost laughed out loud to myself as I leaned back in my chair, ha. This is why it was bullshit. My name is Sunsan and I'm a 17 year old fat girl, I was fine with how I was no one said anything anyway they knew not to I made sure of that.


Finally! Mrs Lanestien finally dismissed us after pulling the whole the bell doesn't dismiss you I do trick crap. I rose an eyebrow saying nothing when she gave up, I gripped my rucksack and slung it over my back before walking through the door after everyone left. Anyway this is my first day here and no one had spoke to me or came near me, sure I heard whispers behind me back but I didn't care in fact I liked it that way. I walked down the halls wearing black leggings with a Harry potter grey jumper which my mom brought me Christmas after I begged her for it in the shop I even had a batman one! My dark brown curly hair was tied up in a bun with a few curls escaping which framed my face and lastly my converses. The hall turned silent, that's weird. I took out my phone and my earphones deciding to listen to my metal music, I was a normal girl in all honesty. Some people hate metal they think it's screaming they never listen to the words or the emotion, I did what's the point having a pointless song like Beyonce's new drink one, don't get me wrong I also really like Beyoncé but it was so pointless it was like drink was overly repeated in a video of half dressed women dancing around and twerking, eh it had no emotion, no meaning. People practically jumped out of my way, parting a large gap for me to walk down the hall as they all cowered against there lockers and the side of my lip curled up in amusement. I listened to Pierce The Veil one of my all time favourite bands to the song hell above me.
"This is a wasteland my only retreat, with heaven above you there's hell over me." It played in my ears, I turned the music up on blast as I bopped my head up to it almost singing along.

Now where to go, I looked around from my phone and paused.


I seemed to have wandered down an empty hallway, I froze when spotting a KEEP OUT SIGN. Cautiously I looked back to the hallway, it was long and narrow reaching a dead end, the blue lockers which decorated the side of the wall were smashed in and broke, the classroom doors halfway hanging of. I gulped stepping backwards, my heart was hammering so hard against my chest it was almost painful and my thighs trembled, the air felt tense and my body turned stiff. I felt something or someone behind me and screamed, a large yet smooth hand clasped over my mouth. My earphones dropped out and my heart stopped, a bead of sweat ran down my forehead as I silenced myself.

"Shh." It breathed down my neck, strangely my body shivered in response. It smelled minty, with something else, something alluring almost, my eyes widened in shock from my reaction. My back met a firm yet hard stomach and my body reacted to the touch it was like a burning fire enlightened my spin, I tried to pull away, they were too strong. What the hell was happening?

"L-let m-me go." I stuttered, my voice muffled by the person hand, oh no .

They chuckled huskily in my ear their lips were ever so close, my breath caught and butterflies filled my stomach.

"Well, well if it isn't Miss badass, I've heard so many rumours about you." The voice wasn't too deep but was no where near high, it was charming and almost velvety- totally not the time to be complimenting my killer, just saying

Leave me alone bad boy, I'm just a FAT girl!Where stories live. Discover now