The Rebel Geek

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Please Enjoy Reading! This is my first book.

Chapter One.

Most adults always say never fall into the wrong crowd, it will do you no good. But I was turned into a rebel and gave up my geeky ways. I was Adam Finn, a skinny, pasty faced, unpopular geek. No friends, no athletic abilities, just a teacher's pet. But then, I never imagined I would end up in a state prison surrounded by huge, tattooed man beasts and strict prison guards with pistols in their holsters.

But it all happened, it took a whole school year and I changed for the worst. I just wanted to be in the crowd of populars. Its just incredibly difficult to bare. Here's my story.

It starts on a Friday, after eating a Twinkie in the early morning waiting on the old, white, crummy bus with the peeling red letters spelling out Jamison High School, while missing the "n" and "g." I would sit in my same old spot I sit in every weekday. The very front seat behind the bus driver. I would set my huge green backpack in the empty space beside me, like usual. But not this unusual Friday.

I was usually the last person on the bus. I stepped on the steep metal steps up to the long platform where then I would be taunted and yelled at from the back of the bus. I stepped toward my usual seat to see a girl sitting where my butt had made a permanent mark on the seat. She had a reddish brown hair color, obviously dyed, and sparkling brown eyes. She looked flawless.

I gently looked down and I probably murmured something along the lines of "Its okay, I'll find another seat." But somehow she lured me to sit next to her and we sparked a conversation. The longest conversation I've ever had with a girl my age.

"Why did you hesitate to sit by me? I don't smell do I?" she giggled at her sarcastic remark.

"No, you smell nice."

Stupid. I just made myself look like a complete idiot. The only thing I can get out of my mouth is you smell nice. I'm such a--.

"Don't be nervous. It makes you look like a coward."

"That sounds incredibly correct."

"Well anyways I'm Alex. I just moved here from Virginia." she smirked


"Alright then, Adam, since you arn't such a talker be a listener. I realize this is your seat, now, considering your cheek stains, and I wont sit here again if you don't want me to." she said with a concerned smile.

"Okay, well do what you want." I said trying to act and look the coolest I could be with my glasses and multicolored braces.

Well after that conversation we were totally silent until we pulled up to the tanned brick building, which I've been calling school for a year and a half now, but to others its called hell. I really wanted to have a full questions and answers conversation with Alex but she's a popular chick and im a geeky comic book fanatic. If she talked to me others would tag her as a loser, like me. I don't want that for a girl as beautiful as her.

I stepped off the bus to the front courtyard to see most of the usual cliques. The goth kids, the jocks, the populars, the nerds, then there was me. Sitting on a bench reading a Avengers comic book looking like a complete retard. I'm an idiot. Alex is going to see me here and she's going to think I'm a lonely comic nerd. Ugh, I'm disgusted with myself and with that I closed my comic and threw it in the chewing gum covered garbage can.

I looked over to see Alex fitting in perfectly into the populars. She turned and looked at me like I was digging for gold and laughed at me. My life is over now. Im so insecure. Alex began to walk towards me. Each click of her heels made me sweat more and more as she stepped towards me, closer and closer. But somehow I felt kind of relived. I wasn't going to be the lonely teen waiting for school to start by myself today. Alex got closer and closer. Her heels tapping louder and louder.

Quick think of a cool greeting. Hey good looking, no that's stupid. Hey are you from Tennessee? No, everybody knows that one. She got very close and I just decided to wing it.

"Hey, uh Adam right?"

"Yes, uh I think."

"You think?"

Crap. She's already lost interest in me.

"No, I am Adam."

"Well, Adam, why are you by yourself?"

"I hate to admit it but I'm a geek, and if you keep talking to me you'll be tagged as one too."

"Because im talking to you?"

She started doing that raise one eyebrow thing and it was making me uncomfortable. I felt like I was going to puke.

"I need to go and--."

I started running to the doors to the school and pushes as hard as I could and ran my way down the hall to the men's room. I pushed open the door and ran to the closest stall. I then let my stomach do its thing and I blew up. But nervous? No, I was beyond nervous. I was extremely super nervous.

I started heading back outside. I pushed the doors wide open and stepped outside. I couldn't see Alex anywhere. Great. I've struck out. Round three is over. I have no more chances. But, what about a friendship? Maybe.

But I just decided I was going to relax on the bench. I then laid down on the bench and closed my eyes and rested for a couple minutes. The bell rang and I was slapped in the face by the bullies and they all ran off. Obviously trying to wake me up. Jerks. My day is going to suck. Way bad.

I walked into the school and headed strait to the nurses office. I need some nerve pills, a cigar, something! The nurse isn't even like a nurse. Everyone calls her Nurse Thug, but her real name is Nurse Jenni. She'll give you anything you ask. Want drugs? She's got em'. Want a beer? She's got that too. I'm surprised she hasn't got caught.

I walked in the pale blue room which smelt like disinfectant spray and soap.

"Nurse Thug? You here?"

"Yeah boy, I'm here."

"Do you have nerve pills?"

"Fresh out. Want something else? A Bud Lite?"

"No, I'm not real up to alcohol."

"Sissy, get your self in here and take a beer!"

I just walked out. Might as well throw up in the halls than her pull out a beer bottle and break it over my head! I walked out her office and I approached my dinged locker with the number 127 at the top.

4 right... 15 left... 0 right...


I reached in to grab my calculus textbook and started off to class, head low, walking faster as I got closer to the wooden door with calculus posters and crumbled notebook papers taped to the door with equations on them. It always reminded me of a second grade math class door. Something strange to think about.

I opened the door to see I was the only person, besides the teacher, Mr. Jackson to show up to class on time, again. I sat down and flipped through my boring, old textbook and read what was assigned, just a bunch of information about equations we wouldn't ever use in our lives. Eventually more people showed up. Including Alex. For the first time ever, I didnt listen to lesson. I sat and looked at her. Staring like a psycho killer hunting down prey. I really needed to talk to her again. Just so I can no if, if possible, we could be amigos, pals, buds, friends. I decided to go with my gut and doing what I what I need to do. My adrenaline took over me and all of a sudden my thoughts busted and I yelled out loud, "Alex I need to talk to you after class. As soon as possible. Im not joking. Your beautiful."

After saying that, Alex, turning bright red, made the motion of "your dead" with her finger to her neck. Other kids where laughing and snorting, and so was Mr. Jackson. One girl screamed out "Awe, look at Romeo's Juliet." Great. Im the laughing stock of Jamison High. The bell rang and Alex stormed out the class, probably waiting on me to step out to beat the living crap out of me.

I'm dead.

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