yay 2.0

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"oh no scream louder HELP HER HELP HER you need to be louder HELP HER SHE NEEDS HELP (killing stalking??)'the room is soundproof and this is Hillary clinton's sex dungeon " dr phil smirks as he walks over to the cold black dresser as he pulls the top right drawer out and grabs a handful of rope as he makes his way over to you "i may be a doctor but i excel at many things including making you CUM" quickly flipping you on his lap your naked body on his knees as he puts two fingers into ur hole and pumps into you starting to spank you with his other hand. you moan and pant as you collapse all your energy running out

"my patient is finally ready for the procedure" dr phil licks his lips as he ties your ankles bound together with rope and wrists locked in fluffy handcuffs behind your back he faces you towards and starts a make out session that you start to enjoy until he pulls away you panting as you lean in for more he swiftly moves and starts sucking your tender nipples you let out a moan of pleasure

"i bet (friends name) never pleasured you like this" he states between breathes and sucking

"mmmm oh god never their tiny dick was smaller than you fingers-MMMM DADDY IM GOING YO CUM"

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