I Close my Eyes I'm Sleeping; But I Won't Come Back.

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This story follows two teenagers.
Young Samantha who is 17.
And young Kyle who is also 17

~Its four in the morning on a weekend.~
Samantha's POV:

This blade.

This blade is getting dull. This blade is beginning to fail me. An awful analogy of how everyone eventually fails you and needs to be replaced. However its a terrible feeling when you're the one who fails everybody. I can never keep friends. And I've never had someone who actually loved me.

Except, razors. They call they beckon. The loudest voice in your head is screaming for you too bleed. "Every problem will fade my darling! You won't even feel a thing!"

And eventually you give in. Slicing and gashing your body until you feel no more. With an awful smile you feel it kick in. No more depression. No more anxiety. No more fear. You're a queen! And nobody can pull you from your pedastal!

You're an artist. But only in private. Nobody else will understand the masterpieces you create on a daily basis. They will scrutinize and hate, so quick to point fingers when they are to blame.

The world will never understand our taboo. We're broken, imperfect.

This will probably be my last entry on this blog. Goodbye cruel world.


I closed my laptop. And cried. I cried harder than I've ever cried before.

With tears in my eyes I opened my window and climbed out into my back yard.

It was dark, and freezing cold out here. But I don't mind. I hobble my way to the tree I had picked out. Its dark but I can see the outline of the beautiful magnolia tree. Which is my favorite kind of tree. I sat at the base of the tree and grabbed the rope I had hidden there. I tied my noose and with a quick flip of my wrist I flung it over a sturdy branch.

Why does this feel so good. I'm about to kill myself.

I climbed up the tree. And I jumped.

Black. Only black.

I woke with a throbbing pain in my neck. And a searing head ache.

"Whaa- what happened.?"

Did I fail.

I did! I can't even kill myself. I'm that much of a failure. The goddamn branch is laying next to me.

I'm freezing. I need to go back inside. Maybe I should lay here and freeze to death. Hopefully I can do that right.

However as much as I try I can't make myself move.

I think its frostbite. Oh god. I'm gonna die slow and painfully. I can feel my body beginning to freeze. It starts at the joints so you can't move. Then your throat. It steals your voice so you can't call for help. There's no hope for me now.

I feel the light in my mind fading.

I feel myself dying.

I feel my organs freezing.

I feel my skin cracking in some places.

I feel my heart stop.

I feel nothing.

Kyle was sound asleep in his room at the time.
Little did he know he had lost somebody key to his future.
Samantha was his soul mate.
And now he'll never even know the sound of her voice.

Kyle's future was bright. He had a good job, nice house and a good family.

But deep down he knew that something wasn't right. It all seemed slightly crooked. Something wasn't right here.

Kyle will die an old man. He lived a good life. But it wasn't perfect.

Because Samantha wasn't there to share it with him.

~Suicide isn't the answer, my darlings. You're so young. Your whole life is ahead of you. Times may be hard. And you may feel it is already over. But trust me. Wait for tomorrow. And if tomorrow wasn't better then wait for the next day. Eventually you WILL find somebody who makes you want to live. And someday they will find you and love you back. Because you're perfect. In nobody's way but your own. You are unique. You are beautiful.
You are, you.
And someone somewhere loves you. Cherish them and never let them go.~

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