Your boyfriend Johnny shoulders the door open and walks through, his arms are full of shopping bags. He dumps all the bags at the door and kicks off his shoes before jumping onto your bed with a groan.

He twists around on your bed while whining for you to give him attention. You look away from your phone and bend down to kiss him on the nose. his eyes shut as he smiles widely and shifts so that his head is on your lap. You stroke his blue-black hair as he sighs in contentment.

Today you two were supposed to go to the playground to hangout like you used to when you were children. But the two of you woke up so late and were preoccupied for the better part of the morning, so now you're just sitting in your room and doing nothing as usual.

Johnny lifts his head and presses a kiss to your exposed stomach. The contact between his lips and your skin makes you tremble. He lets out a little chuckle at your reaction and continues to kiss your stomach, he eventually sits up completely and starts kissing along your neck, hitting all the right spots. You try to stay as quiet as possible without moving. You were supposed to go to the playground and he already got what he wanted today.

You push him off with a laugh and say," Johnny, we were supposed to leave our house and actually go somewhere today. I can't even remember the last time we went outside."

He sighs and closes his eyes."Do we really have to go out today?"

"We don't have to, of course, but I was kinda looking forward to visiting that old playground. Thats where we first met, don't you remember?" 

The memory of your first meeting makes him smile to himself, "Of course I remember, how could I possibly forget?"

He jumps off the bed with a smile and holds out his hand to you. "OK lets go to that playground then."

You take his hand and get off the bed. He waits for you to put on some better clothes and brush through your hair before he pushes you onto the bed so he can tie on your sneakers for you. His silliness makes you laugh out loud, and he gets up and presses a kiss to your lips before pulling you up and out the door. You grab some food from the kitchen before you leave, so you don't starve at the playground.

The two of you decide to walk since the playground is pretty near to your home. Its only then that you notice that its getting pretty late, you look up at Johnny and say, "Do you think we should go back home? I didn't realise how late it was, the sun will probably set soon."

"Nah, its ok. You're with me, you'll be ok. Besides the playground probably looks so much different in the dark, we never got to see it like that before. It could be a pretty interesting experience."

"Well, yeah you're not wrong."

"Please babe I'm never wrong."

"Pft, except all the time."

You continue to bicker playfully as you walk down the road hand in hand. Finally you see the outskirts of the playground, and you leave Johnny's side and run to it in excitement.

"Johnny do you remember how you built a fence out of sticks and my hair ribbons around the sand pit so that no one else could get in and play with us?" You say to him when hes near enough.

he starts laughing at the memory, "I only took that stupid wall down when Jaehyun started crying. He was only three years old at the time."

You burst out laughing out your childhood memories at that old playground.Then you walk over to the swings and sit down on the worn-out wooden seat. The swings were always your favourite, you used to imagine that one day you'd swing so high you would fly into space and float between the stars. Johnny comes up behind you and grabs hold of your hands that were gripping onto the rusty metal chains holding up the swing. He pulls you back until you're completely against his body. You let out a sigh as you come into contact with the hard planes of his stomach and chest. He lets go with a push and you fly through the air.

You feel the air rush past your ears and thread itself in your hair. A joyous laugh bubbles out of your mouth and you hear Johnny laugh as well. He catches you again and pushes the swing high again and again. This is the first in your life that you felt as if you could truly shoot off into space. Eventually the swing comes to a stop and both Johnny and you are breathing heavily. He looks at you and laughs, "This reminds of another activity you're so fond of."

You gasp lightly and smack him on the chest before you burst into laughter at his unexpected comment. Then you're both just two idiots laughing to yourselves in a children's playground.He walks around and helps you out of the swing and then pulls you towards the nearby treehouse. You scramble up the tiny ladder, Johnny almost falling off twice as you laugh at him from above. You settle down on the edge of the simple house in the trees, your legs dangling off the edge. Johnny sits behind and wraps his arms around you with his head resting on your shoulder. From up here you have a perfect view of the setting sun.

You sigh in contentment and turn around to face Johnny, "You matter how many times I see the sunset in movies and stuff, nothing can top the real thing."

"I know what you mean. We really should leave our house more often, yeah?"

You giggle lightly and pat his cheek affectionately. The sun continues to dip lower and lower and the sky gets darker. Johnny lets go of you flops down onto the floor of the little house tiredly. Maybe you should be getting home by now. You tap him to get his attention and tell him that you two should be getting home. He opens his eyes and looks at you with a sleepy smile on his face.

"I know that you're going to say that its late and we should be heading home, but can't we just stay here a little longer? This moment feels special, lets just stay in it for a little while longer."

You nod your head in agreement as you look at him lying on the floor with his eyes closed. he looks so peaceful, his longs eyelashes are kissing his cheeks delicately and his mouth is twisted into a small smile. He senses you looking at him and opens his eyes, he smiles mischievously at you and gestures for you to come closer. You lean closer to him and he lifts his head to your ear. You expected him to say something, so you're suprised when he presses a kiss near your ear instead. He sits up and grabs your thighs, pulling you onto his lap. You wrap your arms around his neck, your legs on either side of his muscular thighs.

He pushes the skirt of your dress higher with a cheeky look on his face, and pulls you deeper into the tree house. Its now completely dark outside, but the faint moolight make his face seem even softer than usual. He pushes you onto the floor of the treehouse.

And....well, you know what happens after that...

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