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Never compare yourself to others
Believe inyourself
Be yourself
Do your BestPage 2 of 365
Finding someone to fall inlove with is nice,But finding someone who would keep you falling,even after you've fallen is srreplacablePage 3 of 365
Prevent yourself getting insecure on what others have.Being contented on what you are is the best way to achieve it.Be Yourself
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Don't let others block your funs.Just let them get insecured.And let their insecurities kill them.Page 5 of 365
Start learning from your mistakes.And make all your failure an inspiration to attain your goal in life.
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Being single doesn't mean you are alone.But this is the best thing to proved that you are now strong enough to stand by your own without depending on others.
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Try to look yourself image on the mirror first before you judge other persons.