1 - Introduction

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*****Chloe POV*****

As the bell rings for lunch break, I pack up my things and head out the classroom door to my locker. I put my books in my locker, and walk to the cafeteria. I pay for my food, and sit down at one of the long tables lining the walls. My friends Bella Cameron and Isabella Marshall come and sit down with me.

Soon, Conner Mcgregor, Tyson Beckett, and Daniel Croswerth arrive and sit with us. Tyson and Bella are whispering to each other and giggling. Those two are so smitten. Conner and Isabella immediately start making out, much to my disgust. Daniel plops himself next to me, and plants a kiss on my forehead. He snakes his arm around my waist, and pulls me towards him. "So, how's your day been babe?" he asks. "It's been fine, but It turned fantastic when you showed up", I replied. This made him smile.

We were chatting for most of lunch, and hardly ate anything. As I checked my phone, I realized we had 5 minutes to get to our next class. I gave Daniel a quick peck on the lips, and headed towards my locker. I quickly grabbed the books I needed for next period, and closed my locker.

Then I screamed.

There was a trail of blood on the floor.

And it ended at my feet.

I forced my eyes open, only to be bathed in sunlight. The bright rays hurt my tired eyes.

What was the time?

I sat up and glanced at the clock on my nightstand. 7:30am.

Just great.

My stupid alarm didn't go off, and now I was going to be late for school.

I jumped out of bed, and walked to my ensuite. The cold bathroom tiles felt nice under my feet. I brushed my teeth quickly.

I walked to my wardrobe to pick an outfit. 'What to wear, what to wear', I thought to myself.

After 20 minutes of hunting for the right outfit, I finally settled for a pair of ripped skinny jeans, a tee shirt with the eiffel tower on it, a Champion jacket tied around my waist, and some red Nikes. I put my textbooks in my backpack, and walked downstairs to grab some breakfast.

A heavenly smell invaded my senses. "Pancakes!" I exclaimed. "Oh, good morning sweetheart!" said mum. She was just stacking the last pancakes onto a large plate. Dad came walking out seconds later, with the newspaper in hand. "Good morning, Angel!" he said, ruffling my hair, as he sat down at the table. "Aw, come on dad! I spent all morning taming my wild morning hair!" I moaned. I had decided on putting it up in Space Buns. "Okay, calm down little miss Hulk".

"Hey, where's Chase?" I asked. "Right here" said a familiar voice. I spun around, only to see the one and only Gruffalo, descending the stairs.

"Woah, Chase, I think you're having an even worse bad hair day than me!"

"At least I don't compare the length of my hair to the hair on my-"

And in a split second, Chase got a bunny slipper across his face.

"Ouch mum, what was that for?!" Chase shouted. "That is no way to speak to your little sister!!!" Anger flashed in her eyes. "But mum, I actually caught her in the act! I was coming down to watch TV, and I just so happened to peek through a gap and see what she was doing-" "Chase! Go to school!" mum screeched.

As I gobbled down the last of the pancakes, I checked the time. OH CRUD! I had 5 minutes to get to school! I quickly said bye to mum and grabbed my backpack. I rushed out the door, and sprinted to school.

"Miss Thompson, may I ask why you are 10 minutes late" asked Mr Toplin.

"Sorry Mr" I replied. "This is not good enough, Chloe. You're a good kid, and you always get good grades. And then, this? Please sit down Chloe, and I will catch up with you later about what you missed."

I turn around and sit down in the front row of desks, as usual, not wanting to miss a word.

And then I feel a tap on my shoulder. Just a small tap, nothing much. I ignore it. Then another tap. Once again I ignore it.

And then comes a light smack across the back of my head.

I turn around to see Rocky Diez, the school bad boy. As always, he has his signature smirk plastered across his face.

"Ouch, what was that for!" I whisper-shouted. "Because I want to ask you something" he replied.

What was it now? He wanted to pay me to do his math homework? He wanted the number of the girl sitting next to me?

But what he asked completely shocked me.

"Uh, can you give me some, uh, relationship advice?"

"Um, sure, I guess".

"Okay, can you meet me in the parking lot after school?"


He smirked. "Nervous are we babe?"

"Don't call me babe, and no, I'm not nervous". I'm pretty sure the furious blush on my face gave it away.

"You sure about that?" he whispers huskily in my ear.

It sends shivers down my spine.

"Told ya" he said.

"Dickhead" I said

"Aw, that's not a very nice thing for good girl Chloe to be saying" he said, making puppy dog eyes.

"Shut up".

"Make me".

I thought about kissing him.

But then I gave it a second thought, and decided that would be inappropriate.

So I slapped him across the face instead.

And he looked at me with a shocked expression.

And then I realised that the whole class was staring at us.

Including Mr Toplin, who looked extremely unimpressed.

"Chloe, detention. NOW." he said.

Rocky snickered.

"You too, Mr Diez."

Now it was my turn to snicker.

We walked to the detention room in silence.

"So, uh, are you still going to give me that advice lesson?"

"Maybe I shouldn't. After all, you did just get me my first EVER detention."

"Hey, you were the one who slapped me!"

"And you were the one smack-talking me in the first place!"

"Fair enough" he sighed

This was going to be one VERY long detention.

Hi guys! My first official Wattpad story I am actually going to enjoy writing! LOL.

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Luv ya! =P

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