They Want the D

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here is my style of action, it is from a television i want to make "Alpha-Sama and those damn aliens"


alfyn is the hero of "Alpha-Sama and those Damn Aliens"

he is japanese, almost 18 years old, but unlike most super successful japanese boys, he still hasn't save the world, defeat an evil god, or stop an evil corporation from taking over the world, so Alfyn is a loser compares to other asians


Alfyn is terrified of one thing, he is scared of losing, if there is a chance of losing in anything, he won't do it or run away to avoid losing... but Alfyn is not a coward... he is just an extreme sore loser...

in a basketball game, where his team is losing, and the game is almost over, Alfyn would score against his own team, so he can share some of the victory with his opposing team, then he run away so he won't have to face defeat, this guy hates, hates, losing


Alfyn has an older sister, all she does is bitches and complains, she found faults in anything and everything... she is the most bleak and pessimistic chick you can find, practically a gothic chick

Alfyn and her, they hate each other, he hates losing and wants to win, she always points out how he will fail,

so they hate each other


Alfyn eventually found a sensei, who teaches him the martial art of a true masculine man "The Alpha Style"

this martial art is based upon "testosterone"

you use testosterone in your body, granting you great physical strength, you can jump super high, you have great defense, you become a great leader, and you have a super masculine aura, and so on, so it is a manly martial


alpha style also makes you grow massive amount of hair, the more you use alpha style the more hairy you become

you are also extremely good in the bed, hell you can last up to several years in bed,


alpha-sama (or alfyn) is japanese, and like all eastern asian he is hairless, so western girls are not into him, but through alpha he grows super hairy, with beard, chest hair, back hair

one day he is too lazy to put on a shirt, so he walks outside, and girls and guys think he is wearing a black cashmere shirt, but it is just his chest hair


girls go crazy over alfyn, because he is just so darn hairy

but there is a problem with too much hair, he needs to constantly shaves each day, so his bathroom is clogged with hair, the sink is always clogged, the bathtub is always clogged, and there are hair every where

so alfyn needs to shave each day

he eventually lives with his sister, she at first uses scissor on him, but it is not enough, so she uses sword, and she gains great experience using sword by slashing his hair, then she just uses lawn mower

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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