Wait 30 Minutes

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   I remember everything on my 5th birthday party. I remember the bouncy house, the bright tasty cake, the wonderful presents, one in particular that caught my 5 year old eye. A device of some sort. It was black and had a red light on it, there were three buttons but no words on them, my mum slipped it on my ankle and kissed my forehead "It's not mucn, but now you'll be safe, okay?" I also remember the chains that were wrapped around my pool. I wish I were clever enough then to ask if the ankle device was connected to my pool in anyway. "Mummy thinks it's time to take the pool out and put something better there! Whatdya think, Rain?" I didn't speak much, so all I did was simply nod. I didn't really care what she put there. I've never really cared about anything ever. Within 4 weeks, a fire pit was replaced in the big circle that was once my pool. Me, my mum, and my dad would sit around it nearly every night and roast marshmellows. Then we'd insert a piece of dark chocolate on it, and squish them inbetween cinnamon graham crackers. By the next three years I was tired of smores. Actually, to be honest. I was tired of them three months after.

  By the time I was nearly out of my "silent stage." I asked my mum; "why did you get rid of the pool and replace it with this fire pit, anyway?" She looked at me under her reading glasses. "You're not really old enough to know, Rain." she answered with a hault at the end of her sentence. I didn't bother to argue, because lately she had been different. She wasn't the same cheerful, lovely character I had known for the past 8 years. She had gotten slightly bitter, and was more protective over me then ever. I took a hot dog from a bag and stuck it on a metal stick. I could feel my mum's eyes creep under her reading glasses again. I could feel them follow me as I hovered my hot dog over the fire. Her voice came in, with worry written all over it; "Rain.. Your dad will be back soon.. Why don't you just throw that hot dog away and wait for him.." I turned over to her, with a dirty look on my face. "No mum, I know how to be safe. Just leave me be right now, I've roasted things many times." That was the first day, I knew, everything with her was going to be majorly different.

---Present time--

   I woke up to my baby Husky patting both of her tiny paws on my chest. She pressed her wet nose on my chin and licked it, as if saying "wake up! It's saturday! Lets play! Oh please, oh please!" I leaned up and held her in my hands. I leaned down to my dresser and opened the top drawer, retrieving a rubber rope toy. We played a game of tug-o'-war for a few minutes. My meaty hands   were no match for her tiny baby teeth (sarcasm). I heard a short, quiet knock on my door. "Come in." I said. My dad opened the door and looked at me. "Rain, your mum's cooking breakfast for you." I sighed. "I'm not hungry dad." He looked at me in fustration then sat by me in my bed. "You're hungry every morning, and you always eat my food. Your mum cooks better than me. It's not that you're not hungry, it's that you don't wanna see your mum. I swear you two are like rivals. Why can't you be like a normal mum and son?" I didn't say anything after that, I just stared at him. "Dad-" "I don't wanna hear it, Rain. You're 17 years old. And your mum is 50. You two need to start acting your ages. Now, go downstairs and eat."

 I sort of took those words to mind, but didn't really know how to in the right way. I wanted to make my dad proud. I jogged downstairs and sat at the table. "What's for breakfast?" I said in the kindest voice I could. I felt my mum's dirty glare under her reading glasses. "Bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes." She said coldly and quickly while setting the plate of food in front of me. I nodded, and looked up at her. "Thanks mum, it means a lot. Thanks for taking your time out of your day to make me this. It looks great. " She turned around so she didn't have to face me. "Yup." Suddenly, that ping of anger that she always gave me came back. "Dad always comes to me blaming our relationship on ME, I've tried so many times. And you don't even bother. You don't know how hard I try just to have one unpainful conversation with you. What happened the mum who loved me? Huh? I'm sick and tired of this. It's almost like you're not my mum anymore. This is why I don't like talking to you." I got up from the table and threw away all of her food. "And that's what I think of your god damn food, I don't know what you were trying to do. Make me a beautiful breakfast and then be a total jerk to me? Uncool, so very uncool." She looked at me with no emotion. "Kay." she said abruptly. "Oh my god mom! FUCK YOU!" I ran to the door and picked up my skateboard then opened the door, skating as far from the house as I could. I reached the abandoned liquor store "Jonnie's" and sat on a old bench in front of it, letting tons of tears splash on the gravel. 

   "Why does she do this to me?" I screamed to myself inbetween short cries. "I never want to come back." I told myself. "But if I don't, dad might call the feds and I'd be in even more trouble then if I came home, when dad probably had just heard my incedent with mum." I buried my hands in my face and cried for a good ten minutes, I felt like laying on the rocks and sleeping here, but someone would find me and tell my parents I was gone. I sat back in the splintery chair and sighed, closing my eyes. "10 more minutes." I said, dosing off.  

  I woke up, seeing a blurry image of what looked like a girl in a colorful beanie with a ball on the top, a pink sweater, and brown skinny jeans. She was hovering over me with a cute grin on her face. I opened my eyes all the way, and lifted myself up. "uhh..who are you..?" "Cassandra!" she said, shaking my hand fast. "But people call me Cassie." "Um. Hi." I said, getting out of the chair. "What's your name!?!" She asked excitedly. "Rain." I responded, yawning. "Rain.. that reminds me of sweater weather.. and cute boots.. and hot cocoa.. I like that name." She giggled. "Yeah, thanks.." I said. "Uh, what time is it?" the girl took her phone out. "um, like 20:00?" My heart must have skipped 10 beats, 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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