Zombie Apocolypse.

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Chapter 1: What started out as a normal day.

It started out like any other day, sun in the sky, a slight breeze.

I slam my alarm clock into the night stand and struggle to wake up.

Wobbling over to my window I open it, and the sun sets a quick alarm telling me to wake up.

I get ready for school, the usual skinny jeans, and a hoodie. My socks are on and time flies by as I get in the car on my way to school.

"Today will be a good day." I whisper to myself with a smile.

The drive to school was boring, silence, as usual. The radio on, and me looking out the window like I'm in a dramatic scene of a movie.

I hop on out of the car and go into the cafeteria where I will see my friends.

Getting great big hugs and hellos, always brightens up my day a little bit.

*BEEP.* The bell rings and school has started. I put my backpack into my tiny locker and get my stuff.

Setting my stuff on my desk, my best friend, Bailey, comes out of no where and pushes all my stuff off my desk.

It's no type of bullying, because she does it all the time. But she means it as a joke, bends down and picks up my folder and pencil.

I sit next to her in Advise, very first class of the day.

"Goodmorning students, Lets all stand together as a community to face the flag for the pledge of eligence."

We say the pledge of eligence, all the time.

I sit down and me and Bailey start to talk. Usually our conversations are grussom and grotesque, but this story is different.

"I saw... Something today. Well not really something, but someone." She whispers.

"Wh-," Mr. Burley, Social Studies teacher, interuppted my very important conversation with Bailey.

"Work." He says handing us a white sheet of paper. We have to write.


Bailey continues with her story, "So anyway, I was walking to get the mail real quick this morning, and a very... Odd man tried to attack me! So I ran inside and told my mom and she went outside," she doesn't stop.

Like an endless story that I could listen to all day long. She continues, "So my mom said, 'Hello, sir..' And she started stepping towards him. She got real close and tapped him on the shoulder and he turned around really fast and bit her!!"

My jaw dropped to the floor, not expecting to hear that.

"But my step dad put a cloth on it, washed it off and she went to bed, so I think she's okay!"

"Okay good.." I say very suspicious.

I sit back in my seat, and think.

Lunch comes around and I call my mom to ask her if I could hang out with Bailey after school for a while, Baileys mom approves, and even invites my family and I over for dinner. My mom says yes. "Great! Thanks! Love you!" Hanging up.

The bell rings and school has ended.

Bailey and I walk to her step dads car and hop in, and ride home.

I open the creeky door expecting to see her dogs there to greet me into their wonderful home, but there's no sound.

We search the house looking for something, but there's no one.

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