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Nora's P

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Nora's P.O.V

I open my eyes but cannot see anything. It was super dark. Where am I? I tried to move but a sudden pain flow through my body. My hands and feets were tied up to a chair. My mouth was tied with a piece of cloth, I needed water, my throat was dried as hell. I have never felt this much helpless before. Are they going to kill me? Oh no, where is Nina? Is she alright? The pain was unbearable. I wanted to scream but couldn't. Suddenly the door swing open and I saw a silhouette of a man. The room was dark so I cannot see him properly. The guy enter the room and clomped towards me. I could hear the sound of his boots. I wanted to beat the shit out of this guy, only if I could untie myself. He switch on the light, I slowly adjust my eyes. As he came closer I saw that he was wearing a mask. He had a knife on his hand. He put the knife on my neck and suddenly I felt a terrible pain, he sliced through the skin but it was not deep to kill me. Blood trickles down to my shirt and I saw some bloody spot. My heart was beating faster. What did he want from me?

"Should I kill you now? Or should I wait for the party to begin? Either way you will die" he had a deep voice. No I am not dying in this shit place. If only I could get free. He took his knife and stab me on my thigh, I scream but the cloth on my face stop me from screaming. He wants to torture me and then eventually kill me. A sadistic bastard. I saw another guy coming towards us. He was not wearing a mask, when he came closer I could see his facial features. He had a beard and looked younger. He was angry as hell, they started arguing. I heard his name, that masked guy called him Rico. Rico? I know this name. Then I remember, he was the other partner of Elijah's company. What is he doing here? He started screaming and they both started arguing.

"You lied to me, we had a deal. I helped you to bring this bitch now you help me to kill Elijah, including Elian Cooper" said Rico. What? No. They want to kill Elijah and Elian? Why would they do that? So Rico is not working with Elijah. Who is this mask guy? It was not Ben, I could tell because of his body structure. This mask guy was masculine and had black hair.

"I will help you, I always keep my promise. But we cannot risk anything right now, keep Elijah away as long as possible" said the mask guy. They were distracted, so I took the chance to escape but the ropes were too tight for me to breakthrough. I need to tell Elijah about my location, but how?

"Come on, you are saying that to me for so many years, are you even going to do it or am I just another pawn for you?" Said Rico. He looked furious. I don't know what they want from me but I just want them to kill eachother. The mask guy started laughing like a maniac. Oh no, this dude is a total psycho.

"Rico, let's be real, you cannot kill Elijah. But if we get the gang we can finish him so do as I told you" said the mask guy. What gang? What are they talking about? I had too many questions running through my mind. It was confusing and scary at the same time.

"So you want everything to yourself. You never wanted to help me, you just got what you wanted. I will kill you son of a bitch" said Rico.  Suddenly I saw the mask guy to pull out a gun. I heard a gunshot. I got scared so I close my eyes. When I open it I saw a lifeless body of Rico laying down, with blood all over the floor. He killed him? Oh my god, he killed this man. My eyes became wide, I couldn't believe it. I wanted to scream on top of my lungs. I was super afraid because I have never encountered a murder. That guy started laughing once again. He is going to kill me too. All this killing, is so easy for him. How can he kill him without any hesitation? He walk towards me.

He then tear that cloth from my mouth.
"Oh Nora, why did you even have to born and destroy my life completely? Do you have any idea how much effort it need to create something? You and your father took away everything from me" he said. What did I do? I don't know if my father have done anything but I surely have done nothing. Why would I destroy his life? I don't even know him.

"But don't worry, I will take everything back. Your father already got what he deserves" he said. What did he do to my father?

"Wh..what ha...p.. happened to my fa..father?" I needed water, my throat was dry like a desert. I couldn't even speak properly.

"Well I killed your father, yes Nora, I hit his head with a rock untill it open up and then I cut his arms and legs, I make him suffered and Elijah couldn't even do anything" he said. I froze, I didn't know if I was scared or feeling sick. I wanted to puke after hearing that. Did he really kill my dad? My father is dead. How come I didn't knew about this? No I never wanted this. I used to hate him but I never wanted him to die. I couldn't hold my tears anymore, I started crying. Does that mean Elijah wanted to help? But he couldn't?

"What's wrong? Did it hurt? I felt pain too when I lost everything which was mine. I want you to feel the same and whoever will come in between I will kill them too, including Elijah Cooper" he said. I don't know anything. All I want is to escape from this nightmare.

"I don't kn..know what is goi...ng on. I don't ev..e. even know you? Plea..se let me go" I said.

"Do you really think you don't know me?" He said. I nod. He slowly remove  the mask and toss it on the floor. I was shocked to see the face. At that moment I wanted to kill myself. It was none other than my uncle, Steven Jones. My uncle wants to kill me?

Bossy Vibes (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now