Christmas Tragedy

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A/N: Just a short story I wanted to try out! I totally rewrote it, although with the same plot. I was very dissatisfied with the previous version. The italic part is a flashback to the character's recent past. Also, the character can be any gender you wish it to be! By the way, I know this is very short and feels rushed, but it's not supposed to be long and dragged out. It's a short story with a very basic plot ^^.

I officially despise Christmas. I used to love it, just like every other kid, but now... now I don't.

How can I like Christmas after every thing that's happened over the last two days?


I jumped up from my bed, excitement coursing through my veins. I couldn't wait to see my older brother, since he was coming all the way here from across the country. I hadn't seen him in quite a while, and the fact that he would be here for Christmas only pumped me up even more.

I decided against jumping on my parents' bed to get them up because I remembered they came home really late last night, even if it was Christmas Eve. Their boss, since they work at the same place as computer programmers, had threatened to fire them if they didn't stay. Of course, since it would take ages for both of them to find new jobs, they had to work all day long yesterday. I couldn't go wake up my little sister, Ana, either, since she was sleeping over at her friend's house. My brother, Adam, is going to pick her up when he gets here.

Used to being alone for most of the day, I took a long, hot shower and put on some comfy clothes. I couldn't be bothered to brush my hair because I could just tell it would take me ages to take all the knots out. I then proceeded to commence my daily morning routine: I tiptoed over to my kitchen, making sure my footsteps wouldn't wake my parents up as I passed their room in the hall. Once in my kitchen, I glanced around at the decorations hanging. There was a bunch of tinsel hanging and several Christmas-y statues were placed around the room. I grabbed a bowl from one of the cabinets, having a staring contest with a Santa Clause as I got out some cereal and milk. I won, obviously. I munched on my yummy cereal and jumped down onto my brown couch. I reached over for my video game controller and then started playing some zombie games. Man, I totally beat their butts!

My total beast domination was rudely interrupted by some guy who turned off the television without me even noticing. He must be a flipping ninja!

"Adam!" I yelled, throwing my empty cereal bowl at him as a greeting, not thinking at all. Of course, him being the ninja he is, he caught it easily. Phew, if that thing broke, I would be in some serious trouble! I apologized to Adam who laughed it off and then quickly ran over to Ana and scooped her up in my arms, hugging her like the crazy sibling that I am.

After that, my siblings and I decided to make a big breakfast for Mom and Dad. It was really fun and our parents were really happy.

After some random crap that happened later, we finally got to the best part of Christmas for kids: present time!

Mom got jewelry, a nice bag, and perfume. Dad got a tie that sang some Christmas tune and lit up, an album from some band that I never heard of before, some clothes, and some socks. Adam got this really cool camera and clothes, and Ana got a drawing book and a cellphone. They saved my gift for last. They apparently made one all together, and it was something for when I move out to my dorm next year. I held out my hand to my mom and she dropped a small box into it. It wasn't very small, but it wasn't large. It fit in my jacket pocket. It was covered in simple green wrapping paper, my favorite color, and didn't have anything else on the outside.

I started peeling back the paper, peeking in. It seemed as if there was a plain brown box inside of it. I looked up at my family and gave them a friendly glare. Ana stuck her tongue out at me and Mom signaled with her hand to hurry up and open my present. I looked back down at the little box. I was very curious as to what it could be. I hope it's a-

A sudden jolt struck through me. The scent of smoke swept into my nose, and I started coughing. I was very sensitive to smoke and couldn't stand it. Soon enough, the fire alarm went off and chaos wreaked through the living room. I could see the scared look on Ana's face as Adam pulled her closer to him for comfort. I could see my mom's eyes go wide and her mouth something. I couldn't hear what she said though, the horrid sound of a blazing fire was the only thing that reverberated in my ears.

The last thing I could comprehend was that my parents pushed us out of the room.

And then, all black.


I had woken up a few minutes ago. I was laying in a white hospital bed in a white room with sparsely placed white furniture and white walls. All those memories bombarded me at once, and I'm still shocked. Just a moment ago a doctor told me that I was the only survivor of a fire, but I wasn't going to live very long if I didn't get surgery. The smoke had covered the inside of my lungs and I couldn't breathe well. I declined the operation. At this point, I just wanted to join my family, wherever they are.

"Hello," greeted a friendly nurse as she barged into my extremely white room. She was pretty and skinny. But she didn't look like those sickly models, she had a nice round face and had meat on her bones.

"We found something in your sweater that we thought you might want to see. It was probably a Christmas present from yesterday!"

And there, in her hands, was the little green package I never got to open.

I was shocked as she placed it gently in my hands. This was the only thing that survived the fire?

I finally got to open my Christmas present. I ripped off the wrapping paper quickly like a little child and popped open the lid of the brown box. What was inside shocked and touched me even more.

Inside were pictures, ranging all the way since from when I was a little baby to now. Me with my first guitar; a picture of me with my three best friends, hanging out at the park; my 11th Halloween when I dressed up as an awesome vampire; everything.

And at the bottom of the pile were a compilation of little notes written by my family.

"I love you! Stay strong and remember me!" came from my little Ana.

"Baby, don't forget us when you move out!" was from my Dad.

"Darling, we love you!" Mom.

And finally, from Adam.

"You better stay happy. You know that we care. Don't give up. Unless you really, really have to. Then you can give up."

Of course you would say that, Adam.

I smiled and wiped away a tear from my eye. I wheezed out a laugh at how thoughtful they are. I loved their gift, even if it wasn't much. I would cherish it forever, even through death. Maybe I won't be able to see them again in this life, but I know I will when I pass away.

I love you guys.

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