I was in a bookstore down by Main street. there were a lot of people coming in and out of the store. I was scared, who would ever love me? my clothes were torn and old and not a lot of people ever really notices me. But on this one particular rainy morning you came in and touched my arm. You sat and talked to me for hours. Finally after what seemed like an eternity you invited me into your home. Here I knew I'd be loved....
You would sit with me for hours, just letting me tell you my life. I really liked you and I could tell you loved me too. I'd tell you things that made you cry or laugh sometimes even a little scared, But you never stopped loving me.
On the anniversary of the day you brought me home you let me sit in you lap like old times and we just talked... You stopped holding me like you used to, you stopped laughing at all my jokes. You weren't even scared anymore when I told you the horrible things that has happened to me. But one night you brought someone else home.. They were newer and more interesting than myself, but even with them around you still found time for me...
The day that I started falling apart you embraced me in your arms and sobbed. You turned me to my last page and read the last sentence.
'This may be the last time we ever see each other again.... my love.
but just know, I love you.'
you sat and started to shut my cover when you noticed something you never saw there before
'Please. I beg you, don't stut me.' it said in a faunt Much different to the rest of my story.
'I don't want to die'
Since that day my cover has never been shut and my story can now be read forever.
Thank you for your love..... my dear reader