Chapter One: Hazel

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Prompt: Basically, Hazel stumbles upon Annabeth and Percy having a very heated make-out session. 


Hazel honestly didn't mean to see anything. She just wanted to talk to Percy about Arion. It was an accident. Now, hours later, she's stuck with a face so hot, Frank thinks she's come down with a fever. She can barely talk about Percy and Annabeth without fanning her face and stuttering. It happened a few hours ago, but every detail is still fresh in her mind as if she just saw it happen.


"No, actually, I haven't seen him at all day today. Have you checked Annabeth's cabin? He stays there with her sometimes, when all her siblings leave. Aphrodite knows what they're doing," she says, with a fond shake of her head. "Those two are so cute!" Lacy gushes, quickly losing focus on the current topic of where the green-eyed son of Poseidon was. Hazel resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She steered the conversation back to Percy's whereabouts.

“Okay, but I checked there already. And the lake and the stables. He's not there," she nearly whines. 

“Did you check his cabin?" Lacy questions. Hazel pauses. Then proceeds to give herself a mental slap on the forehead. Why hadn't she thought of that? She gives Lacy an embarrassed grin and shakes her head.

“No, actually. I don't know where my head is today," she jokes, but with an underlying tone of gratitude. Lacy grins and waves in farewell as she turns to head for archery practice. Hazel turns toward the direction of the cabins. She needs to ask Percy to help her train Arion to run at normal speeds when she needs him to. She can't understand him, and would like to have a translator, but Percy's the only one around. She's been looking for him all day with no success. As she nears his cabin, she pauses at the door and wonders for a second on whether or not she should knock. 

Cautiously, she pushes the door open enough to peek inside. And promptly chokes on the air she quickly inhales. 

Percy and Annabeth are tangled together on his bed, lips locked passionately. For once, she finds herself thinking in surprise, Percy's room is actually clean. Hazel's willing to bet that Annabeth came here to help him clean his room for inspection and they decided to... reward themselves for completing the task. As it is, they are completely unaware of her presence, and she would be too, if roles and couples were reversed, that is, if she and Frank ever engaged is such activities, which they don't. That's just... hypothetically speaking.

Hazel watches in shock as Annabeth's hand slides down to the hem of Percy's shirt and tugs impatiently upwards. She watches, eyes glued to the scandalous scene unfolding before her eyes, as Percy pulls away from Annabeth and... 

Pulls his shirt off!  Reverting back to her old habit, Hazel brings her hand up to her heating face and fans furiously, while simultaneously looking away and taking a step back. She's afraid that if she goes back to looking, things would have gotten much worse. But as if pulled in by the force of the scandalous activity unfolding, Hazel finds her head turning back towards the space caused by the slightly open door, and nearly keels over of shock right there. As if things couldn't get any worse, Annabeth's shirt has somehow vanished and now both of her senior demigod friends are half naked, and still kissing as if their lives depended on it. They are so glued together, Hazel doubts that even air is passing between them.

Stepping back from the door, Hazel shakes her head and tries to calm her nerves enough to knock on the door. But her face and hyperactive hand betray her, and she finds herself fanning her hand like crazy in front of her boiling hot face, as if that will clear the steamy image ingrained in her mind. 

Trying not to look suspicious, Hazel closes the door extremely quietly, takes a few giant steps back, and walks back up towards it and knocks. The expletive she hears coming from Percy's mouth undoes what she spent the past five minutes doing and has her hand waving up in front of her face in record breaking time. Hazel hears mumbling going on from behind the door and then Annabeth calls out, “Come in!"
Wondering how in the world her voice is so steady after doing what she was just doing, Hazel grips the doorknob and slowly pushes open the door, just as Annabeth yanks it open on the other side. Hazel falls in and stumbles into Annabeth's (thankfully) shirt covered chest. The same one that was just topless and stuck to Percy's just a few minutes ago.

Scrambling backwards, Hazel straightens herself and tries to talk as fast as possible without making eye contact. Which Annabeth will definitely not read into. Right. 

“Yeah, um...I just wanted to talk to Percy for a minute about Arion, since he's the only one around who can talk to horses and you know, he can translate Arion for me because I kinda wanted him to help me train Arion to do something but I kinda need to know what he's thinking so that I can get feedback from him, but if Percy's busy that's fine I can just―" she's interrupted by Annabeth's laughter. 

“Whoa, Hazel slow down. You can talk to Percy now, he's not doing anything important."

“I was," comes Percy's snapped reply from somewhere behind Annabeth.

“Percy Jackson! Stop being such a child. Hazel's frustrated because she can't understand Arion. You have to be a good boy and help her,"Annabeth admonishes. 

She's frustrated?" Percy says, incredulous. “I think I'm the only one who knows anything about frustration right now." 

Unfortunately, having witnessed what they were doing prior to her interruption, Hazel understands exactly what kind of frustration Percy's referring to now, and she blushes hard, and stands in the doorway, fanning her face quickly and looking anywhere but Annabeth.

“Hey, Hazel?" She hears Percy's voice come from behind Annabeth, much softer now, and Annabeth moves out of the way so she has a clear view of Percy lying on his bed, looking up at her with those expressive green eyes.

“Is it okay if I help you tomorrow? I'm all for it, but I'm kinda busy now." Hazel nods furiously, fanning her face even faster, if possible.

“Yeah, sure it's totally fine, no big deal tomorrow's great," she says hurriedly, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible. Annabeth frowns and observes her critically for a few seconds, those calculating storm grey eyes boring into her.

“Okay then. See you later, Hazel," Annabeth says.

After biding both 17-year old's goodbye, Hazel lingers at the now closed door, contemplating whether or not she should knock again and tell them what she saw.
What she hears next, however, has her hurrying away and fanning again.

“What were you so busy doing that you couldn't help a close friend of yours out?" Annabeth says.

“ If you come here, I can show you better than tell you," comes Percy's smooth reply and Annabeth laughs.

Later, after dinner, Hazel finally works up enough courage to tell Annabeth what she saw, and her reaction and response shocked her.

“Accidents happen," the blonde laughs. “But from now on, to avoid any more of these accidents, knock on any cabin door that's not yours." Annabeth laughs again, maybe at her expression, and ruffles her hair affectionately, before turning away to look for Percy.

Sure, accidents happen. But they won't happen to Hazel twice.

Author's Note:
This story is dedicated to ThatWeiirdGiirl because she provided me with the prompt. ThatWeiirdGiirl, I hope you liked it, comment what you liked and didn't like. Thanks for the prompt, I actually had fun writing this! Everyone else, comment or message me your prompts, vote, follow, whatever. ✌
     -Sweet Nightmares

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