Shot -3 {Completed}

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The Mansion Of Rathores is decorated like a bride as today Mr. Rathore's only Daughter Jiya's Marriage is taking place and Mr. Rathore invited every businessmen and woman of Kolkata as he is also one of the famous businessmen of Kolkata so Basus, Sharmas who are now small Business family growing in their business which Shivani started as well as Bajajs, are also invited to the marriage function and Mr & Mrs. Rathore were at threshold welcoming the guests and just then Basus and Sharma's entered inside at the same time who turned faces away from each other except Anurag who greeted Sharma's like nothing happened and they reciprocated too with a smile. They entered inside and was not surprised to know they were the last people to enter the party.

Veena was standing with few of the society ladies while Mohini Basu was also present in them as she also belongs to creamy society once upon a time as from last few months the Basus were facing severe losses in business as well as there are several allegations on Mohini Basu and Moloy Basu even though they were not proved but in such high-class society rumors spread like a fire and every one of the high-class ladies started to avoid her, stopped inviting her and her daughter Niveditha to parties and functions while they started to invite Veena to them even though Veena Sharma denied attending them. No one knows whether the rumors are true or not but due to them they are losing everything slowly which is annoying Mohini Basu very much but she can't do much about them.

Whrere as Anurag was desperately busy trying to save their business from complete destruction, but it is looking impossible as the enemies were in shadows and he don't know who his enemy is while Moloy Basu was distraught seeing his family as well as the business crumbling to ground bit by bit and he knew or at least have an idea whontheir enemy was that is Rishab Bajaj because the day Prerana left warning them about their upcoming destruction his wife, daughter and son took Prerana lightly thinking she will not do something which will destroy them as tey thought she is still the naive helpful, innocent and kind-hearted girl they know her but found how serious was because the next moment their family started to crumble while he was shocked with Veena Sharma's decision of not trusting and leaving alone of Prerana because that was bad part on her which is proving fatal to all of them.

"Mrs Sharma, I heard that you disowned your elder daughter Prerana because you found out she is pregnant with other man when she was going to get married Mohini's Son, Is it true?" Mrs Jha questioned which made Veena freeze in her stance but he recovered soon before replying.

"I don't think that has anything to do with you or society Mrs Jha but for your information, I disowned her when she first married the ruthless person Bajaj and I never accepted her back and I have only one daughter that is my daughter Shivani," Veena replied which made everyone shut their mouths with snap when everyone heard a beautiful laughter across the hall and Veena, Mohini, Nivedhitha along with Shivani turned around along wth everyone to see to whom the laughter belonged and was surprised to find Prerana who was standing beside Rishab who was smiling while his hand was around her waist while they were conversing with some people with a smile on their faces and everyone can see how happy and joyful they both are mainly Prerana who had a beautiful glow to her face.

As the first rays of Sun hit the window the light passed through curtains illuminating the room with the first rays of sun giving it a glow of orange while the bedroom door creaked slightly and tiny figure entered inside with teddy bear in her let hand and she walked towards the bed where her father was sleeping by laying his left hand across her babysister as if he is protecting her and she tried climbing the bed slowly while Kukki was follows by Prerana who entered inside to wake her husband as today he has an important deal to close.

"Mamma," Kukki called soflty she tried and failed to climb the bed which was high for her and Prerana smiled at her before helping her daughter to climb the bed.

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