The Queen of Hearts

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25th April, 2012, for most of you people it would have been as normal a day as any other day of your life, but for me it was the day when the Queen of Hearts entered the pack of cards of my life.It was the last year of my school and I intended to live it to the fullest like any other student would have wished to. But little did I know that God would bestow such a beautiful gift upon me.It was the hour of the lunch break and she was standing in the corridor of the seventh floor of the school, chit-chatting with her friends.

Before moving any further let me just take you sometime back in the past, the time when it all started. Diving back in time, traveling to the year 2011, when I was in class ninth and she used to be in my division. The first time I met her, I had no idea that someday she would become such an important part of my life.She was sweet and humble as she appeared and when I first spoke to her, her intoxicating voice, just as soothing as a nightingale's song, mesmerized my heart and soul.

Eventually we started talking, started getting closer to each other. My thoughts were free to roam anywhere, but it surprisingly always headed in her direction. Just like a pearl is preserved in the depths of an ocean, she began to pierce in the deepest trenches of my heart.

The world suddenly started appearing so beautiful and whenever she was around there was no need of finding paradise anywhere else.

Sooner or later I realized that there was some sort of feeling that connected me to her.This feeling made me stay up all night just to chat with her, this feeling took me to the cloud nine, this feeling made me write poems about her and this feeling made me look at her and just smile like an idiot. She had started giving me the feeling people write novels about.

No later than November,2011, this feeling started growing stronger and I started looking out for ways to convey it to her.

I thought that by reading my poems, someday she would realize what I felt for her but it was almost like shooting arrows in dark which, if your fate supports ,might hit the target. But my luck wasn't that strong. Time passed, the year ended and so did my academic year. We were about to enter class 10th and I won't be wrong if I call it to be the best year of my school-life. She was no longer in my division. But my feelings for her were still intact.

It's good to have someone in your life who can make you smile even if they are not around, and for me she was that someone. With every single beat of my heart, and with every single blink of my eye ,my love for her grew stronger.She became as important for me as breathing.

One fine day I decided "No matter what, today m gonna tell her what I feel about her". It was 23rd April, 2012, the school was about to end and she and I were on our dispersal duties. I took her to the basketball court of the school, maybe she knew what I was upto. I held her hand in my hand and without wasting even a single second more I told her about my feelings.Silence was all that I could hear.

My heart started beating with an indefinable rate and I thought to myself that should I have waited for some more time? But then she smiled and my heart got a reason to relax. She said she needed some time to decide, to think whether our relationship would work out.

Coming back to the point from where we had jumped into the past, 25th April,2012, the hour of the lunch, the corridor of the seventh floor.Not knowing what was she talking to her friends about ,I went to her and that was the moment when I received the biggest surprise of my life. She had accepted my proposal and was ready to become the showstopper of my life. The happiest I ever felt was this moment when I realized that she loves me too. I was above the seventh sky and there was no limit to my joy. And then began the most prestigious journey of love. Although our relationship continued only for a couple of months, those two months still bring a smile on my face when I remember them.Just like a night sky is incomplete without stars, I was incomplete without her.

An ocean is an ocean because it has water, I was me because I had her.But maybe destiny had some other plans.

22nd June, 2012, my phone rings. I answered the call.A soft voice I could hear from the other side.It was her, she said "Hey listen, I want to talk with you about something". I thought it might be something related to school, or maybe she had some sort of fight with her mom, or maybe some misunderstandings with her friends, I don't know. But what she said was something which my ears didn't want to hear."Let's breakup", she said. Stones or sticks would have broken my bones but those words ripped my skin apart. According to her it would be better if we continued our relation as best friends. I was completely blank at that time.With a heavy stone on my heart I had to accept her decision.As all good things have to come to an end so did our relationship.I had lost my Queen of Hearts. Just because I let her go didn't mean I wanted to. I was like in a lost battle.

The love is not real if it ends suddenly. I tried my heart out to bring her back but that's not what she wanted.After a breakup one person gets more hurt than the other because one of them falls in love every single day while the other falls out of love every single day.And I was the one falling in love every single day. I was still stuck in the time when our relationship was new.They say time heals everything. But I think time just passes and it's upto us whether to turn to the next page or just close the book.

Long time has passed since we have broken up and I guess she has moved on quite easily.Regarding me, I have still not broken the castle of love she had built in my heart.We still are friends and till date I have that soft corner for her in my heart.

Whenever she feels like coming back she'll find the same castle she had left all alone.

She was my beautiful beginning, she is my happy ending! 

- Heet Desai.

[This is my first short story. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it:) ]

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