Harry Styles

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Once again eventless days passed by, everyone was happy for now. I and Harry were going great. I was at Harry’s home one day. We were just enjoying time together during the holes in Harry’s hectic schedule. Harry seemed a little quiet today, he wasn’t being sour he was just quiet. After an hour of trying to work out what was going on in that mind of his I heard a heavy sigh and knew that this was my opportunity to find out.” Harry, are you okay? You’re not your usual self.” I asked him cautiously. He in haled deeply,” Well Rose I hardly have any time with you, I think you should move in.” He said quickly jumbling the words together. He eyes looked into mine, begging and pleading for one word. I wasn’t going to put him though any more pain waiting.” Yes Harry, I will.” I said in a clam tone. Harry’s eyes lit up and I could just feel the happiness radiating off his body. A week later I was back at my apartment packing the last few boxes of mine, Kirsty was watching me a little pissed I was leaving her alone in London, in an apartment by herself.” Promise you’ll visit.” She begged I just simply nodded. I had finished packing and sticky taping the last box up. Harry would be here any minute to help carry the last of the boxes to my new home, so I decided to indulge in some TV with Kirsty till he got her. Finally I heard a knock on the door of my now old apartment. It’s funny how when you’re excited time goes slower. I rushed to the door swinging it open to see that curly haired boy that I love. We quickly packed the rest of the boxes into the car and I said my final goodbye to a solemn Kirsty before ridding off in Harry’s car. The first few days of living with Harry were amazing, better than I expected. On my 3rd night in the apartment Harry asked me a question.” Hey Rose when did you realise you liked me.” I thought about it for a short period of time,” I was at a nice cafe a few days after we met wondering why you hated me and then I started seeing all your qualities in a better light and then it just seemed to hit me.” I responded feeling confident in my answer, Harry shot me a smile to let me know he was happy with my answer. Around a week after I had moved in with Harry I was reading the morning news paper, only to come across a shocking story. My head went dizzy as I swore every single curse in my head. There was a whole story about me moving in with Harry. But no one knew we were together how do they know? How can they already know so much about me? How long have they known? I took a few deep inhales of air to cool and calm myself down. I decided to see if anyone knew about on twitter or if I could find any solitude there. I literally felt my heart drop reading through the mentions, they were horrible.’ Why is Harry dating a peasant?’ And ‘Kill yourself please’ were just do of the phrases that broke my heart. Poor Kirsty, I knew exactly how she felt; everyone everywhere was ganging up on me. It felt as though no one was happy for me. I didn’t even realize the tear spilling from my eyes until Harry was next to me wiping them away. He held me close with at times like this has felt better than it ever had. He rocked me back and forth soothing me and lulling me into a sleep. I woke up and I felt Harry’s eyes on me and his breath on my neck. I peeled my eyes open to see a smiling Harry still being in a slightly bad mood from before I asked.” What are you so happy about?” he huffed,” Well I saw your laptop open and saw what my fans said about you.” I shot my head up,” And you’re happy about that.” He shook his head very fast obviously knowing where I was getting at.” No- it’s not like that, I mean I went on my twitter and put them in their place.”  I smiled up into my boyfriend’s loving eyes, thanking him in a simple smile.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2012 ⏰

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